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OUR Social ergonomics

Individual development, organizational change, and In the computer industry, power comes not from the barrel of a gun but from the interface of a protocol.

The structure of knowledge and search technology on the Internet:

Work in progress -

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Something missing:

An astro-physicist has said ‘ there is no reason that people should be ever be able to understand the universe’. Our biological and intellectual background is so naturally limited by our life experience here on Earth. We have no way of comprehending or visioning space time plasma that behaves in ways impossibly strange to our ways of being and knowing. Atomic physics involves models that are not intuitive - even counter- intuitive.

Most people who have ever lived on this planet, were born and died within a fifty mile range.

Their perceptions are defined within what is called a tribal culture - part real and part superstition. Applied rational knowledge is fairly modern as a cultural style and still not seriously or firmly established as a norm.

The irrational base of human understanding is clearly demonstrated by politics and commercials.

NOW as we enter into a global technical society our social world is as little understood as the physical.

The new world order - lacks a vision or social psychological foundation. ]

The technology itself is revolutionary.

The global economy requires new models of thought. It’s not surprising that it is difficult and there is a lot of active and passive resistance.

The leaders and leading institutions often don’t get it. Non-linear, transactional, mutually dependent rapid change appears to many as anarchy and chaos - morally questionable and in conflict with traditional values. That is because global transformations are a real revolution. Serious changes are disruptive of the existing order.

The new school

What could an relevant on-line school be like.

  • Color is better than black and white.
  • Three dimensions is better than two.
  • Round is better than flat.
  • Fast is more successful than slow.

Civilization progresses with greater literacy, greater attention to the laws of man and nature, and greater freedom of participation.

Current instruction is gray and flat - it needs to be colorful and round. Instruction is slow, knowledge is cut into fragments and reassembled, creative participation is discouraged at all levels.

The iron law of bureaucracy operates freely in almost all schools.

Students in rows reviewing text books under the control of an instructor is clearly colorless and flat. Every once in awhile there is a little burst of color or a dark pit but the surface is mostly two dimensional and the colors are black and white.

There are several clear themes as we move from two dimensions to many:

1. ) Knowledge is not only transferred but invented a lot of learning takes place in the process of invention


The organizing themes are tasks not subjects , Knowledge is organized around functions not disciplines

3.) there is creative interaction between teachers and learners and less distinctions between actors and classes.

The word is

convergence - Technology, communications, human organization, marketing, finance, and further explorations of the future rushing in upon us.

The NEXUM project:


The design of the general communications and computing device.

Design teams of teachers ( from around the world ) and students from anywhere working on the interface of communications technology, processing capacity, storage and data transfer compression, marketing, finance, human machine interface ( ergonomics

http://www.wiredbrain.com/ergonomics.htm ) because the specialist now has to consider bandwidth, chip capacities, applications, service systems, distribution systems, content and market demand factors all in one organized package.

Management, information technology, marketing, human resources and production need to work together. Traditional products such as automobiles and space rockets and atomic ships has advanced some in design integration but computers still have a way to go - the


must leap frog current compartment thinking into new dimensions of systems analysis.

How is systems analysis different

from what has been used in the last 40 years. It is more colorful and has more dimensions.

It becomes much more complex where there are many clients, with many applications, using different languages and protocols. A great server should ask and how do we establish an interface, what language do you use, what program do you want, what operating system does it use, and can I remember all this the next time we make contact ?

Amazon.com has shown the way within one set of protocols of how to be client centric. Every store both e and non-e, should be able to track several open ended data bases - inventory, catalog, store, client, sales person, so as to show what exists and who is buying it. Wal-mart and Builders Square, Office supply and Sears should have a the catalog and inventory on line at the cash registrar and on-line for the buyers with items, pictures, prices as well as complete lists of any clients or sales person’s recorded sales. It world make it a lot easier for contractors or anyone buying many different items.

A friendly server would connect such data bases to user applications such as financial records and market research. Can any client using different tools access open records for different purposes, in different languages ? Can suppliers or comparative shoppers or programs that search for best buys ? How would the Nexum, a simple communications device, use server software to find the best buy ? Who do you compare features ? Models, grades, standards, ? All kinds of applications not invented need to glide easily into existing systems.

The invention of credit, degrees, payment systems is easy

Color is better than black and white. Three dimensions is better than two. Round in better than flat. Current instruction is gray and flat - it needs to be colorful and round. Students in rows reviewing text books under the control of an instructor is clearly colorless and flat. Every once in awhile there is a little burst of color or a dark pit but the surface is mostly two dimensional and the colors are black and white.


chello broadband n.v. (chello), www.chello.com, Europe's first and leading broadband internet service provider and an operating company of United Pan-Europe Communications (UPC), chello broadband allows cable customers throughout Europe to benefit from the m@ximum internet experience; always on, super-fast broadband internet service for a flat fee each month running across AORTA, Europe's first and largest broadband IP network and the largest European distributed caching service. Near CD quality sound, pin sharp pictures and a full range of global, national and local content partners are offered -- all in the language of the country in which the service is offered.


Make PORTALS your home page and use "wiredbrain" password "synergy" for set-up start pages.

MSN search now does the best job MSN now does the best search
Use the Codes to Wiredbrain

Social ergonomics

How we get information has always been important. From the invention of language, writing, printing, telecommunications, information transfer has always structured human social economic and political life.

The hyperlink created a new way of making

connections. Now the real time search has gone a step beyond a fixed set of connections.

The "

living web" is created at the moment it is used.

Once More From the TOP:

It's about time !

The main line press has caught-on to the power of the internet ? What wiredbrain and others ( mainly Netscape, Oracle, ( considered to be a source of wise counsel or prophetic opinions. b. An authoritative or wise statement or prediction ) IBM, SunMicrosystems and the NOISE group ) have been talking about since Netscape 1.0 and WINS connections - the virtual office and the Network Computer has now arrived in the PC world.


The new concept ( only to you ) goes by a variety of names: instant Web office; virtual office; instant intranet; Web tone; Internet dial tone; and so on.

The idea is to provide everything a user needs on a central server. Users can then access that server over the Internet with just a terminal and a phone line.

Then they "rent" Internet and intranet applications for as little as $10 to $20 per person per month. (That's a fraction of the per-user cost of an in-house intranet.)"

and a box that cost 10 % of a PC work station ( $500 vs. $5,000 ) and doesn't crash, doesn't need systems managers, and doesn't require constant upgrades but does need bandwidth..


Instant Intranets Just Stage One in Emerging Market Struggle

Jesse Berst, Editorial Director ZDNet AnchorDesk

What is clear but not said is this is the end of the Age of the PC. First the main frame, then the PC now the NC -

There is now a immense industry we can call


IT now represents the critical modern enterprise growing to be a quarter of all economic activity.

IT is a greater engine for growth than railroads in the 19th century, oil and chemical industries in the first half of this century. IT is equal to the auto industry, which reached 25 % in the 1950s. “IT” like the auto industry includes the hardware ( the computer or car), the infrastructure, (communications and networks or the roads) the energy ( software or oil ) the services, ( consultants and staff or Gas Stations ) and parts ( modem ( or digital connection to replace the analog )s, drives, or car radios ). IT includes the computers ( the car ), the roads ( the telecom business ), services ( software ) and the social educational infrastructure.

IT provides the web of life for modern enterprise - design, production, distribution, sales, of goods and services. IT is the growth industry and in labor market.

There are millions of new jobs and additional people needed world wide.

Unlike the auto industry the IT business evolves quickly. New hardware computers and chips, new methods of communications, new applications evolve quickly. IT is quickly becoming one unified, highly complex living system on a global basis.

The whole is more than the sum of the parts - synergy that comes from elaborate interactions.

There are critical “flash point” - global telcom systems based on satellites connect to earth stations that can use telephone lines including new high bandwidth technologies, optic fiber, wireless broadband, and cable connections.

The high bandwidth connections use improved modem ( or digital connection to replace the analog )s to provide support for networks.

These new networks provide what have been called telephones, television, personal computers, and something new - beyond what now are common utilities.

Berst Alert FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1997

Bandwidth Progress Report

The common base system is the “browser”, which will provide all of the application in a Java type objects - in a Video User Interface (VUI) using chips that can handle digital TV and Digital Hard Drives for storage all as parts of the new super modem ( or digital connection to replace the analog )s.

IT is why the DOJ Microsoft case is important. What was called the “operation system” OS now becomes VUI, an interface between a “terminal” ( telephone, TV, and PC = NC ) and a communications media.

The interface uses program “packets” as well as content “packets” the

operational software is contained within the data.

The difference between program and content no longer is significant. With bandwidth the “word processor” is attached to the files and comes as an instant updated package at the moment of use. This is Netscape’s, Oracle and others “vision” and the real challenge to Microsoft.

We are such stuff -

As dreams are made on, and our little life - Is rounded with a sleep.

The Wiredbrain Reader Reply Service

Send Letter to Dr. Peter Pflaum

A few studies have been done on the effect of computers on learning, motor
coordination and even social skills, but they are missing the greater point.

The Internet is an invention more like democracy, religion or mass transportation.

It affects us less as individuals than on our functioning as a society.

RUSHKOFF of the New York Times

List SMART COMPANIES of companies the who's who of telecommunications

<p> The author


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Yahoo has tried to structure information into categories like a traditional library. ALTAVISTA and Excite have used key words. Starrting in the 1960's computer aided searches were developed for military, scientific and medical journal articles.

THE NOISE on packets.htm for now

Netscape, Oracle, IBM, SunMicrosystems and Everyone else ( Corel, Novell ) see "Internet technologies are creating an opportunity for new "information utilities," but no one yet knows what they will look like, Eric Schmidt, chairman and chief executive of networking firm Novell (NOVL) said in a speech this morning at Summer Internet World.

We are not at the end, but at the beginning of this journey," Schmidt said referring to the evolution of the Web. "We have a name, the Web, but we may not have a destination"


Click for an image of the future :

Low Orbit satellites beam down to earth

- Communications, media, the nature of work and the wealth of nations.

National Institutes of Health.

Biotechnology Resources

MEDLINE is one of the world's largest biomedical databases with over 8,000,000 references to journal articles in all fields of medicine and related disciplines. MEDLINE is the database offirst resort for most clinical and research questions.

HealthGate offers the complete MEDLINE database, from 1966 to present.,

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)

The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) is the central research and development organization for the Department of Defense (DoD). It manages and directs selected basic and applied research and development projects for DoD, and pursues research and technology where risk and payoff are both very high and where success may provide dramatic advances for traditional military roles and missions and dual-use applications.

The computer revolution and the industry in Palo Alto was largely a result of the ARPA's massive

billion dollar investments in the region.

ALTAVISTA is the result of a research project started in the summer of 1995 at Digital's Research Laboratories in Palo Alto, California. By combining a fast Web crawler with scalable indexing software, we were able to build a large index of the Web in the Fall of 1995.

After two months of internal testing, we produced an even larger index consisting of the full text of over 16,000,000 pages. We made the site public on the 15th of December 1995. Within three weeks of launch, the AltaVista site was handling over two million HTTP requests per day. By May 1996, the index had grown to more than 30,000,000 pages, and the site was receiving twelve million daily HTTP requests. As of November 1st, we have surpassed 22 million hits per day!

The Software Behind AltaVista

The software was entirely developed in the research laboratories. It is written in C under Digital Unix, makes heavy use of multi-threading and the 64-bit addressing capabilities of the Alpha. This is the software technology behind AltaVista Search software products.


The world's fastest spider crawls the Web at 3 million pages a day. A well-behaved creature, it obeys the Robots Exclusion Standard.

The Index Software

The indexer can crunch 1 GB of text per hour. It was used to build the 40 GB index of the Web and serves multiple queries in parallel.

Our Technology Refine, or Cow9? Cow9, you say? Come again? Cow9 is the code name for AltaVista's hot new Refine feature, which lets you easily narrow search results to just the information you need. Cow9, a collaborative effort between researchers at Digital Equipment Corporation and Ecole des Mines de Paris, sorts search results into logical topics and lets you choose which particular categories you'd like to see.

How does Cow9 actually work? It uses statistical analysis-not human interpretation-to sort the results from your searches into general topics. Cow9 creates topics based on the search results. As the Web and its contents change, the categories and search results Cow9 provides change automatically, making AltaVista's usefulness and timeliness unmatched.

Excite has enhanced its search capabilities in two critical ways:

Excite Search Wizard: see how this is used on our Index page with many key words

Power search form:

Excite Power search form offers users the ability to extend or constrain a search through basic pull-down lists and entry fields, bringing advanced query features to the user without using advanced search language required on other sites. For example, if a user searches on the word "bond", he or she can click on a box to specify if the search MUST include a related word or MUST NOT include a related word. By pointing and clicking at the constraints they want, users do not need to understand how to perform a complex query such as a Boolean search.


and common misconceptions: the division between conventional wisdom and reality.

In any case, there is something wrong with making the survival of the fittest the guiding principle of a civilized society. This social Darwinism is based on an outmoded theory of evolution just as the equilibrium theory in economics is based on Newtonian physics.

The principle which guides the evolution of the species is mutation, and mutation works in a much more sophisticated way.

The species and their environment are interactive, and one species serves as part of the environment for the other species.

There is a two-way feedback mechanism, similar to reflexivity in history, only in history the mechanism is driven not by mutation but by misconceptions.

The controlling Paradigm:

George Soros has make billions when the common knowledge, conventional wisdom is out of sink with reality. His central point is that "objective reality" is separate from the ideas that describe or explain what is being observed. Whatever our ideas about "science" the physical reality doesn’t change. Our "uncertainty" or viewpoint on physical quantum doesn’t change the phenomena itself.

On the other hand, public and expert perceptions of human activities changes the nature of the activities themselves. Our beliefs change our behavior and common social habits and ideas change who we are and what we do. This is a reflective feedback loop between perceptions and reality. Political theory, religious faiths, economic assumptions, mass media chatter, advertising, hype, hope, needs, wants, passions or truths and lies all make social reality "unknowable" and social action can not be based on just objective reality and the facts.

Now the social reality of the human population on planet earth is going through a basic mutation, a major change in form, new forms of business evolution; where common perceptions and conventional wisdom is often disconnected from the situation on the ground.

The mass emotion on the death of Princess Diana, is unexplainable, so are stock markets, the impacts of technology, political reform, capitalism in China, and the major events of our lives.

There can be balanced judgments and clever analysis but nothing close to certain knowledge.


It has always been with us. It is a constant cancerous force in all times and all cultures and with all people.

The question is when does it turn deadly ? We all carry "benign" cancers in our bodies but they have the potential to spread and kill the host. Concerns over money and influence in American Politics maybe be easily dismissed as more of the same but could be the early signs of a greater and deadly evil.

Clearly a society, company, school or village will progress if the members are moved by synergy, a system of shared benefit, all are busy and productive, have advanced skills and hardware, and pay attention to the laws of man and nature. In other words are like the Swiss, a small country divided into regions, cantons, villages with real and active participation.

The world is suffering with massive outbreaks of corrupt regimes in big places like Russia, some of the other former Soviet Republics, Indonesia, Pakistan, many countries in central Africa where the bunk of international aide is stolen and wars break out among gangs of thieves, the Balkans, Columbia, Argentina, Turkey, Mexico and much of Latin America, with parts of Urban China; all together corruption’s destructive forces effect more than half of mankind. It appears than the real issue of Y2K maybe corruption, disruption, violence, widespread allegations of crimes, and the alienation of the masses forming rage against the established swindlers and thieves as separatist movements.

Corruption is a product of size. While evil empires have been a mainstay of history, the bulk of people lived in agricultural villages where thieves had limited careers. Only in this century has big become common with the invention of technology to support extensive enterprises, private and public.

The iron law of oligarchy and bureaucracy takes over - the workers, citizens, and subjects are hard pressed to influence the management at the top.

The theory of countervailing forces becomes a battle of titans without meaningful human contact.

The battle of doctors, insurance companies, teaching hospitals and medical schools, drug companies, and political forces fails to deal with the human condition of being sick.

So we know the ailment and the cause.

The treatment is also clear - small is healthy. Small medical service centers with less administration and costly bureaucracy that don’t charge fees and don’t have to keep books on a per patient basis.

They treat anyone with a variety of cards on a per capita basis or as a public service - their cost paid from a variety of sources. In other words the plans as they exist in most of Europe and the rest of the industrial world.

The evil effects of size is clearly seen in the mega-school with dozens of assistant principals, area superintendents, area specialist, coordinators, teachers on assignment, and hundreds of special programs for questionable special needs such a the mythological attention deficit disorder. Since disability has been rewarded it has grown from 2 -3 % of the population with physical or mental disorders to 20 % to 30 % with some label attached as different, the number is up 10 times in the last 20 years and creates a huge self serving bureaucracy.

Political units can be smaller. Elections can be tiered - indirect so the people select those that select the next level. That was the design of the electoral college. Regional government is very useful.

There are few advantages of central administration and many disadvantages in the age of information. Balkanization is good. Confederation is good. All within a global economy.

The need for the great empire or nation state is less and less clear if it causes disorder rather than produces the keys to civilization: the rule of law, advanced technology, and increased participation of active creative people.

Clearly a society, company, school or village will progress if the members are moved by synergy, they all benefit, all are busy and productive, have advanced skills and hardware, and pay attention to the laws of man and nature. In other words are Swiss a regional small country.

It started with the Library of Alexandria, a famous ancient library, considered to have the greatest collection of books in the ancient world. Founded by Ptolemy I Soter, king of Egypt, in the city of Alexandria, it was expanded by his son Ptolemy II Philadelphus early in the 3rd century BC.

The scholars in charge included the ablest Alexandrian men ( and a few women) of letters of the period. Zenodotus of Ephesus, whose specialty was the classification of poetry, was the first to hold the position of librarian.

The poet Callimachus made the first general catalog of the books and apparently was also librarian.

The two most noted librarians were Aristophanes of Byzantium and Aristarchus of Samothrace, both great editors and grammarians. In the time of Ptolemy II, according to one historian, the main library in the Alexandrian Museum contained nearly 500,000 volumes, or rolls, and an annex in the Temple of Serapis contained some 43,000 volumes.

Dewey Decimal Classification, in library science, a method of classifying knowledge for the purpose of cataloging books and other library materials, devised by Melvil Dewey. Under this system all knowledge is divided into ten main classes, each of which is designated by a 100-number span.

Library of Congress Classification, in library science, a method of classifying knowledge for the purpose of cataloging books and other library materials, devised by the staff of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

Within each of these classes, material is arranged from general considerations to specific treatments and from theory to practical applications; specific topics are indicated by combinations of capital letters, and further subject breakdowns by 3-digit numbers.

The classification scheme is continually revised.

Unlike the Dewey Decimal Classification system, the LC system makes it possible to indicate specific aspects of a subject without long, cumbersome numerical designations. For example, within the N (Fine Arts) classification, NA indicates architecture, NB sculpture, ND painting, NK decorative arts, and so on. ND 813 would be used for books on Spanish painting, and ND 813 G7 would indicate a book specifically about the Spanish painter Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes.

Encyclopedists, the writers of the 18th-century French Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raissoné de sciences, des arts et des métiers (Encyclopedia, or Systematic Dictionary of Sciences, Arts, and Trades), commonly called the Encyclopédie. It was edited by the French philosopher Denis Diderot in Paris between 1751 and 1772 and voiced the advanced opinions of the time in philosophy, politics, and religion.

The contributors were many great French writers of the day, including Montesquieu, Voltaire, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Friedrich Melchior, Baron von Grimm. See Encyclopedia.

Encyclopedia or Encyclopaedia (derived from Greek enkyklios paideia, "all-embracing education"), term originally signifying instruction in all branches of knowledge, or a comprehensive education in a specific subject. This concept gave rise to the idea of collecting the materials of such instruction into a single work, in which the contents and relations of the various arts and sciences would be expounded systematically. Attempts to produce books of this kind were made at an early date, although the name encyclopedia was not given to such works until the 16th century.

All these works and many of their successors were unsystematic or even chaotic in form and crude in substance.

The problem of coordinating or systematizing all the branches of science remained a challenge until modern times.

In 1620 the English philosopher and statesman Francis Bacon organized a structure for his Instauratio Magna (

The Great Reconstruction), which was intended to constitute an encyclopedia of all knowledge. It has been considered the first of the attempts made with adequate method and genuine philosophic schematization, but Bacon never completed the project.

Effects of the Enlightenment

The modern type of encyclopedia was largely the result of the cultural movement known as the Enlightenment and the desire to make works of this sort universally accessible. Some works continued to use the logical arrangement of the material by subjects, particularly numerous German works of the 18th and 19th centuries that were the products of philosophic schools based on the ideas of the German philosophers Baron Christian von Wolff, Immanuel Kant, and G.W.F. Hegel.

They include the Lehrbuch der Wissenschaftskunde (Textbook of Scientific Studies, 1792) of Johann Joachim Eschenburg, the Versuch einer systematischen Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften (Attempt at a Systematic Encyclopedia of Science, 1796+1798) by Wilhelm Traugott Krug, and Hegel's Encyclopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften (Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, 1817). In general, however, the subject arrangement gave way to the present universally accepted alphabetical arrangement by key words, names, or special topics. In this manner the form of the encyclopedia became similar to that of the dictionary, and the word dictionary (or lexicon) has been freely used as the title of encyclopedic works.

In the Library of Congress Classification system (familiarly known as LC), all knowledge is divided into 21 large classes, indicated more or less arbitrarily by capital letters-

From the Encarta Encycolopia

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The search of the synergy site and the structure of knowledge

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Copies of the SYNERGY JOURNALS sent by request: wiredbrain@earthlink.net Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE 225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 (904) 428+7924


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