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Social ergonomics

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The History of the Future:

Friday, December 04, 1998

AE21, Education for century twenty-one:

The school of AE21 will have the following characteristics: Teaching.htm

Firm foundation the Basics - high standard test scores 80% or better;
Higher level thinking and problem solving;
Technology and communications saturation - lots of links and free enterpise
Inventive, creative - flexible - ( See John Dewey )
Small - stable - smart - un-graded - individualized on-task focus of the one-room school house Mostly private, religious, charter, voucher schools and a few public "site based management" institutions ( See Fiske and Harlem schools in a school )

Human resources are the critical prerequisite to the process of building wealth, prosperity and the civil open society. The reasons for the "Wealth of Nations" or the relative poverty of "backwardness" has to do with the character and skills of the population. Curiosity and a positive image of the future are the reasons for the industrial revolution, first, second and third. The religious and political changes in England and the Low Countries in the 15th century made for the possibilities of the modern world.

What is less well understood are the "qualitative" nature of human abilities. There are the following stages, each not replaced by the next advance but over-layered with each becoming dominate in turn but not replacing previous models. As canals and bicycles still play an important role in European transportation, augmented by trains, cars and planes.

The first level is the "skilled crafts" - a long apprenticeship with hands on methods produces a high level of abilities - Cathedrals with stained glass, Columbus, clocks, water wheels and the first tools and factories of the first industrial revolution. Education was literacy - Grammar schools and basic accounting, drafting and organizing shills.

In the 19th century, higher education in the Agricultural and Mechanical arts began to pay off. The newly unified Germany began to surpass England because of excellence in technical training while Great Britain stayed with the Classical educational process - founded on Latin and Greek rather than Science and Math.

The United States quickly adjusted to technical training but "trade schools" have always have low status compared to "liberal arts" college preparation. High level technical Universities such as Georgia Tech, MIT, Cal-Tech, IIT, Stanford and Polly -tech parts of the mega-universities have made extraordinary contributions to economic welfare in this country and world wide. The second industrial revolution of electrical, biological and chemical engineering is based on formal training in math and science. The MBA in business maybe useful in production of rational "corporate people" and culture. The majority of mangers still come from the technical, legal and accounting professions.

The third level of human skill for Century twenty-one has to do with creativity in a global communications technology. We still need skilled craft people, we need to improve basic literacy and grammar, enterprise, with science and technology in complex engineering tasks.

Computer people carry the unhappy title of "software engineer" because they are trying to fit into an older model of categories in human resource management. Is someone who creates games and innovative web practices doing arts or sciences or applied technology ? If you visit a trade show in the computer - consumer electronics - communications business you find new younger people doing new things with a "strange" mixture of backgrounds, including a lot of "rock and roll music" nationalities - and very unclear standards of higher education and training. Smart is as smart does - and "stupid is as stupid does".

Japan can not solve most of its basic economic problems.

Bank reform requires a fundamental shift from combines of firms centered around banks and holding each others shares to corporate capitalism within trading groups and well as between trading groups. This requires a change from the way Japan Inc. has worked since the beginnings of modernization. The government is a committee of high level administrators that work within the system and have very little control of the system.

There is no way to pay the costs of social security and medicare for those currently in the labor force.

The shift from income and payroll taxes to VAT ( consumption taxes ) will help, the nationalization of education and medicine could help. What would make a real difference is politically unlikely, what is politically possible is unlikely to do any good. The American political system can not take fundamental decisions in advance of crisis and slow to respond to important changes in the society.

Alan Greenspan, in his recent testimony to congress, repeated a lesson in basic economics. The economy welfare of any nation depends on three factors:

The skill and educational character of the labor force,

The capital stock the company and the society provides to make work productive

The ratio of fixed to variable costs of social overhead.

In a fully developed industrial society the costs of social security and health care are transferred to workers and the overhead of everything produced. As the population shifts from a pyramid to a column the social overhead costs become very high. The relative costs of work shifts to less developed, labor rich areas.

The long term investment in human and physical capital is the reason for increases in productivity - better trained people working smarter with better tools are the reasons for wealth or poverty. At the same time the cost of payroll taxes alone becomes higher than world wide base hourly wages.

How much each person, each hour’s labor, how much each unit of input produces in goods and services is directly related to the income from work and the return on investment. The machine that digs increases digging productivity and the wages of people with hand shovels or power equipment, airplanes increase travel productivity and the wages of wagon drivers or pilots, the word processor increases writing productivity, the Internet increases communication productivity. The cost per unit of computer power declines by half every 18 months ( Moore’s Law ) increases the whole of the economy’s efficiency.

The current period of growth with low inflation, where the labor force has growth by 300,000 a month, 4 million a year ( 3 % ) has been possible because of better trained women’s wide participation, more women are now in college than males and minority workers acting as a reserve along with moving jobs to lower costs areas of production and immigration.

The larger labor force has new and improved tools provided by the "information" revolution. Productivity in some areas of high technology have been very impressive. As we become more global, the labor force becomes global. Low skilled occupations move to low wage areas - China being the great labor pool.

Networks of product design, original equipment manufacture (OEM), distribution and marketing become more complex and integrated.

Three central concepts:

Punctuated Equilibrium In Action!
Complex system are slow when adapting to changing environments and subject to periods of rapid degeneration and extinction.

Direct connection on complex networks. The number of connections increases exponentially on a global basis. Almost everything connects to almost everything else. What you see is that the most outstanding feature of life's history is a constant domination by bacteria. Very complex systems decrease rapidly in times of environmental instability and sudden change.



Disintermediation Last updated on March 20, 1999

Details and special cases:

The Internet Revolution:


The future of established institution to control economic, social and political events is very limited. The Political process everywhere, national and international, can not keep pace with the rapid, changing, complex, counter-intuitive, non-ideological, global policy problems and issues. Among these issues are global warming, international finance, trade, ethnic and class conflict, population, education, health, welfare, pollution, warfare etc..

The demographics of the industrial world project a rapid decline in the proportion of people in the labor force. The large differences between rich and poor countries is becoming complex with higher income pockets dispersed around the world. We need to focus on global growth rates and interdependencies and how they play out in any market for labor or products and services. A tight labor market for skilled computer labor creates service centers in Barbados, India, Ireland, and elsewhere.

While the average age in the developing world is in the teens, the average ratio of workers to retired persons is moving in the industrial world from 1:15 to 1:3 or even less as the average age goes over 35. The average years of retirement have grown from less than 5 to over 15. Required education and training keeps more young people from the labor market - highly skilled occupations such as medicine takes 12 years of higher education ( including specialties and internships ) so the productive years start in their 30s. If they retire after 30 years - at 62 ( 70 % of Social Security retirement is at 62 ) they have an average 2/3 of their adult life or 20 years as consumers without production being supported by earning from saving and/or income transfers.

There is no way to provide the wealth that can support large numbers of retired from a fewer number of workers even with better public policies, even with an historic increase in long term productivity. Individuals and firms can do well with increased saving and investment in even smarter systems and tools provided to a even more highly skilled work force.

A highly developed economy such as Japan has fewer way to maintain rapid growth. They are better educated, are very competitive and clever, they are cooperative and maintain a reasonable level of fairness and stability, but face the same basic structural problems that faces all developed nations. Their population is aging, productivity gains are harder and harder to come by because all the clear options have already been used. There is a increasing high wall on the left of any distribution of complex systems.

What has worked no longer is working very well, what was successful is now fading and dying. The new success is in the process of being born and growing up and also doesn't work very well yet.

For examples of complex systems hitting a wall:
The U.S. constitutional system of divided powers,
Japan Inc. of powers not divided enough,
old and new international combines,
the USS-was, from too much power to too little authority.

The power elite everywhere are in denial, they will soon become angry, in the slow realization of the death and dying of the "old ways". The English crown discovered, tradition doesn't cut it with new ways requiring new kinds of people and systems.

The nature of change only becomes real when the effects are painfully apparent. It's extraordinary rare for people or their institutions, to change behavior because it's necessary, rational or prudent. Behavior changes, if at all, only under coercion and crisis. The American political system, the Japanese economy - corporate administrative state - called Japan Inc., the Soviet Union - USS-was, IBM, GM, et al are all examples of where things have to get worse before they get better.

1997 - There is a financial crisis is South East Asia - a currency and market crisis caused by "bubble economies" and patterns of insider trading and special privileges called crony capitalism.

1998 - Japan, which is 2/3 of Asia's economy and China which is more than 1/2 of the remaining third, suffer from basic structural problems augment by the continuing crisis in Asia and Russia. Japan's basic problem is the same as the reasons for its success - an administrative state where the political process does not have control of the critical levers, tillers and maps. Control is in the hands of interlocking networks of corporations, banks, and bureaucrats that would have to change. The basic facts of modern Japanese life would have to be different, and real market capitalism given more space to operate.

1998 second half - The world markets are flooded with saving and low cost goods from Asia, speculation fed upon speculation, pushing the world into a global bubble, boom and bust cycles. The real economy declines, commodity prices decline, while asset prices increase. The U.S. political system is unable to provide leadership or respond in any rational way to a growing world crisis and growing trade deficit, Attention is distracted by meanness, pointless political squabbles about scandals, spoils, money and power without focus. The people who find they can not use the democratic process to gain satisfaction turn toward extreme emotional appeals or drop out.

1999 - The beginning of a Global Depression, counter-revolutionize Eastern Europe, extremism and nationalism in Japan, a closing of the European Union into a defensive block, chaos in the Balkans, spreading unrest in Mexico and Latin America.

The direction of these forces is the fractured global society, made up of patterns of smaller, more temporary organizations. The percentage of the economy controlled by the top 500 firms continues to decline, the average time firms stay on the list, the number of new entries increases and on a global basis most are non-American and trans-national. Little countries such as Finland, Israel, Singapore, Hong Kong, Netherlands, have important international firms.

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We are such stuff - As dreams are made on, and our little life - Is rounded with a sleep.


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Once More From the TOP:

It's about time ! The main line press has caught-on to the power of the internet ? What wiredbrain and others ( mainly Netscape, Oracle, ( considered to be a source of wise counsel or prophetic opinions. b. An authoritative or wise statement or prediction ) IBM, SunMicrosystems and the NOISE group ) have been talking about since Netscape 1.0 and WINS connections - the virtual office and the Network Computer has now arrived in the PC world.

"The new concept ( only to you ) goes by a variety of names: instant Web office; virtual office; instant intranet; Web tone; Internet dial tone; and so on. The idea is to provide everything a user needs on a central server. Users can then access that server over the Internet with just a terminal and a phone line. Then they "rent" Internet and intranet applications for as little as $10 to $20 per person per month. (That's a fraction of the per-user cost of an in-house intranet.)"

does need bandwidth.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1997 Instant Intranets Just Stage One in Emerging Market Struggle

Jesse Berst, Editorial Director ZDNet AnchorDesk

What is clear but not said is this is the end of the Age of the PC. First the main frame, then the PC now the NC -

There is now a immense industry we can call IT “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY”.

IT now represents the critical modern enterprise growing to be a quarter of all economic activity.

IT is a greater engine for growth than railroads in the 19th century, oil and chemical industries in the first half of this century. IT is equal to the auto industry, which reached 25 % in the 1950s. “IT” like the auto industry includes the hardware ( the computer or car), the infrastructure, (communications and networks or the roads) the energy ( software or oil ) the services, ( consultants and staff or Gas Stations ) and parts ( modems, drives, or car radios ). IT includes the computers ( the car ), the roads ( the telecom business ), services ( software ) and the social educational infrastructure.

IT provides the web of life for modern enterprise - design, production, distribution, sales, of goods and services. IT is the growth industry and in labor market. There are millions of new jobs and additional people needed world wide.

Unlike the auto industry the IT business evolves quickly. New hardware computers and chips, new methods of communications, new applications evolve quickly. IT is quickly becoming one unified, highly complex living system on a global basis. The whole is more than the sum of the parts - synergy that comes from elaborate interactions.

There are critical “flash point” - global telcom systems based on satellites connect to earth stations that can use telephone lines including new high bandwidth technologies, optic fiber, wireless broadband, and cable connections. The high bandwidth connections use improved modems to provide support for networks. These new networks provide what have been called telephones, television, personal computers, and something new - beyond what now are common utilities.

Berst Alert FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1997

Bandwidth Progress Report

The common base system is the “browser”, which will provide all of the application in a Java type objects - in a Video User Interface (VUI) using chips that can handle digital TV and Digital Hard Drives for storage all as parts of the new super modems.

IT is why the DOJ Microsoft case is important. What was called the “operation system” OS now becomes VUI, an interface between a “terminal” ( telephone, TV, and PC = NC ) and a communications media. The interface uses program “packets” as well as content “packets” the operational software is contained within the data. The difference between program and content no longer is significant. With bandwidth the “word processor” is attached to the files and comes as an instant updated package at the moment of use. This is Netscape’s, Oracle and others “vision” and the real challenge to Microsoft.


Click for an image of the future :

Low Orbit satellites beam down to earth 

- Communications, media, the nature of work and the wealth of nations.

The only way you do better than the average is having information beyond the average.

UP-GRADES: Horse race or dog and pony show ?

New and Improved ? Thoughts on the Explorer Upgrade

In Europe it has been traditionally difficult to sell NEW type autos. People say they don’t want to buy a car, which they keep for an average of seven years, until the bugs have been worked out and has built a reputation for reliability. GM, IBM, and other big corporations often do not have the best product or price but the power of marketing, distribution, service, and habit. They depend on people’s unwillingness to be pioneers. Those on the frontier get shot with arrows.

Now billions of dollars, huge personal fortunes, the rise and fall of great enterprises depend on complex technologies few understand. Technology has become a horse race, the fastest win rather than a dog or pony show where the judges reflect conventional values, where a horse of a different color is unlikely to win. In the now systems of knowledge, a 14 year old New Zealand boy’s solution to the millennium bug is just as much in the race as the show horses from the most established stables.

List SMART COMPANIES of companies the who's who of telecommunications

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The economics profession, the federal reserve, national planners, and the stock market is just learning to deal with this change in economic behavior. Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape are working on a Java Machine that will be the core of most new computer applications. Suites of application either on the "video" hard drive or on a systems server will run on these virtual machines, so will autos, and all kinds of "real" machines. This replaces Windows, Dos or other OS and MS knows it. The communications industry, in fact all of Information Technology (IT) will provide applications, voice, video, data and word processing on the internet, intranets, extranets, are all built on this CORE system which provides on demand applications. This is the BIG picture. This is the central theme. This is the main thing. Do you "get it" ?

Review the technology with the central role of core systems clearly in mind.



Human Evolution was for 300,000 years in troops - where everyone knew each other, their names and the relationships. Any animal behavior in their packs, troops, herds and their breading behavior is almost impossible to change. The few species that became domestic have patterns of status and "pecking orders" that allow humans to "implant" themselves as dominant and in control. Most species will not become domestic after thousands of years of efforts. Zebras do not act like horses, Camels remain nasty, most animals are subject to panic and some will not bread in zoos. Humans have evolved with the same kind of behavioral "groves". Social conditions that fit the groves of human psychology and social-biological habits (Edward O. Wilson (1975). Sociobiology: the new synthesis.)work better that conditions that don't. "Human" urban conditions push humans beyond the breaking point. Stable organizations must use "group dynamics" as forms of extended families and clans, troops and tribes to form nations.

The functions of any society, group, class, school, business are:

1.) Effective conflict resolution PATHOS ( feeling ) good rather than nasty

2.) rational effective decision making LOGOS - if people feel OK They can behave more reasonably

3.) harmonious economic redistribution ( synergy ) ETHOS - shared values and goods - not socialism but rational welfare policy - makes one and two possible - Capitalism as Greed is dysfunction - but so is free for nothing socialism

4.) better technology ( the result of one, two and three ) plus

5.) police and/or military power ( law and order )

6.) large and productive territories by way of the the growth of US as more and more others are included as US and less defense from them as less and less outsiders are THEM.

Good Religion and Politics should allows for more inclusion less exclusion. All religion is not good, all values are not right or useful, all politics is not bad, all education is not useful, all business is not greedy, all women, blacks, Jews, et al is not anything. Prejudice is not a rational guide to social or personal wisdom.

The inclusion of more and more people and their differences allows for innovations, freedom of expression, democracy, freedom and

7.) integration of smaller groups into larger wholes - 
Donald Tapscott, author of the books Paradigm Shift, The Digital Economy and the forthcoming Growing Up Digital, gives the introduction.

The Politically correct visions of left and right often miss the fundamentals of social history and science. The right forgets the critical role of the "whole systems" and the left forgets the requirements for standards and clear returns on investments, where cost and benefits depend on individual achievement motivation to go faster, further and higher. Such motivation is best done in "collectives" families, groups, packs, tribes, schools, factories, political parties, churches, and other human life forms.


From argument to intrigue :
It happens all the time - in Universities, in schools, in the U.S. Congress, in families and churches; and a lot of companies. Honest discussion, freedom of expression, breaks down and people turn to plots and personal agendas. Maybe this is the best clue to future success or failure. I would invest in firms, or societies where there is open discussion of the issues.

What happened to Apple was not mainly problems with markets and technology but cultural. There is no magic from the great CEO from above - some great idea or certain magic leader .. but a social system. Apple was a great place that was (almost) destroyed by people who didn't understand or care about relationships.

The Sense and reality of Control:

Many, if not most people, believe they can not control who they are - they believe they are what they are and can't change their basic character or personality. 
We can control the inside more than we can control the outside; so our ( Western ) belief system is in constant conflict with external reality. In the grand scheme of things, we mainly really only control our beliefs about reality and our attitudes about what we can do about our future. The art of "success" is the faith in the future, and our attitude:

Going with the flow...not in a passive way but proactive get us down stream. It is going along with the reality of ourselves and the world around us in order to get along with ourselves and the world around us. It releases energy if we are in the main stream rather that fighting the flow of energy in self conflict. Fighting with reality because the world is NOT what we think it is, is a childish waste of time and kind of crazy in grown-ups.

Many people, if not most people, believe they can and are responsible to control the world around them. They know a lot of things are "out of control" but they maintain a belief in control. This is what it is "a belief". It causes a lot of frustration and tension.

The future does not exist. We can control our beliefs about who we are and where we fit in. We are 100 "selves" parent, worker, economic, political, romantic, soldier, sailor, beggar, thief, saint and sinner, and 88 more including a god. We can select from these selves those that will get us what we want and need. We can also select our wants and needs to fit what we can get.

The new technology is creating a "new world order".. like it or not.

The controlling Paradigm:

and common misconceptions: the division between conventional wisdom and reality.

"In any case, there is something wrong with making the survival of the fittest the guiding principle of a civilized society. This social Darwinism is based on an outmoded theory of evolution just as the equilibrium theory in economics is based on Newtonian physics. The principle which guides the evolution of the species is mutation, and mutation works in a much more sophisticated way. The species and their environment are interactive, and one species serves as part of the environment for the other species. There is a two-way feedback mechanism, similar to reflexivity in history, only in history the mechanism is driven not by mutation but by misconceptions. " 

The controlling Paradigm:

George Soros has make billions when the common knowledge, conventional wisdom is out of sink with reality. His central point is that "objective reality" is separate from the ideas that describe or explain what is being observed. Whatever our ideas about "science" the physical reality doesn't change. Our "uncertainty" or viewpoint on physical quantum doesn't change the phenomena itself.

On the other hand, public and expert perceptions of human activities changes the nature of the activities themselves. Our beliefs change our behavior and common social habits and ideas change who we are and what we do. This is a reflective feedback loop between perceptions and reality. Political theory, religious faiths, economic assumptions, mass media chatter, advertising, hype, hope, needs, wants, passions or truths and lies all make social reality "unknowable" and social action can not be based on just objective reality and the facts.

Now the social reality of the human population on planet earth is going through a basic mutation, a major change in form, new forms of business evolution; where common perceptions and conventional wisdom is often disconnected from the situation on the ground. The mass emotion on the death of Princess Diana, is unexplainable, so are stock markets, the impacts of technology, political reform, capitalism in China, and the major events of our lives. There can be balanced judgments and clever analysis but nothing close to certain knowledge.

The Last Norman Conquest:
In the visage of Diana, Princess of Wales, you can see the remains of Spencer, a Norman knight. Spencer as much of the British nobility earned their lands and titles in the Norman Conquest of 10 66. The ruling class in Great Britain has been for a 1000 years the remains of an Army of Occupation.

The "people" spoke old German, the upper class spoke French and they still speak different languages, in different accents. The landed aristocracy lived in the manor, the landless peasants in the villages. They still live in different places, go to different schools, vote for different parties, read different newspapers, and think about Diana, the Royally and power in very different ways.

England has never had a social revolution. The weight of social class has held back "the Modern world" as primitive religion has done in other parts of the world, including the Bible Belt in America. Maybe its time to change. Modern social class is built on technology and the income that comes from innovation, not ownership of land and titles.

Diana is a modern person. The creation of mass media. A character in a soap opera. The "people" identified with the struggle of the new with the old, the flow of modern communications vs. Traditions built in grand isolation. The castle wall have fallen. Social space has collapsed. The mass cultural mythologies and dreams overwhelm the myths of royal past. The context is foggy passions the reality is power of social control. The "establishment" can not control the media, they have lost touch with the passions of the people. The king is dead, long live the king !

Great opportunities for a few Million good people

Microsoft scours world for employees.

US software giant Microsoft has announced plans to increase its US workforce by 19 per cent over the next 12 months, maintaining the west coast of America as 'the centre of the universe for the software business'. The company plans to recruit 3,600 people, many of whom will come from outside the US due to a shortage of good software developers in the States. The Independent, UK. 18/07/97

There is a current shortfall of 250,000 IT positions in the US costing billions of dollars

IT For example: The demand for skilled foreign IT people : Salary increase 17 % per year,
. The Information Technology Association of America, which represents hundreds of companies from Intel and Microsoft to consultants and recruiters, estimates there are already 190,000 high tech positions standing vacant in American IT and non-IT companies. "This can be considered a conservative estimate of the gap between companies&rsquo growth needs and the current availability of IT workers," says the ITAA study, "Help Wanted: The IT Workforce
A powerful coalition of American IT companies say these highly educated immigrants are a critical part of solving a severe personnel shortage that is a drag on the U.S. industry. They warn that they may be forced to take their production outside the country if they can&rsquot hire more people from abroad. 

IEEE-USA Legal Immigration Policy Issue ... URL: http://www.ieee.org/usab/DOCUMENTS/FORUM/ISSUES/immigration.html
Summary: In 1990, partly in response to claims that the nation faced serious shortages of engineers and scientists, Congress authorized substantial increases in employment-based immigration to the United States. Engineering unemployment increased from 2.1% in 1990 to an all time high of 4.1% in 1993 when 73,000 engineers were out of work. More Like This: Click here to perform a search for documents like this one.
( stories from Excite )

MS great idea was not technological but social.

They collected people and created synergy. What Microsoft has is not only a great leadership but 1000's of motivated and talented creators. They hired "people" and then found how they fit in - they didn't create positions and try to fit people into jobs.

It's the culture stupid. The shift is from material resources to human talents.

Going with the flow of the changes over the next 15 years:

The Western ( white ) Industrial world is likely to decline in relative terms from two thirds of Global Product (WGP) to 45 %. China will move from underdeveloped to developing, from less than a $1,000 PCP ( per capita product ) to over $5,000 ( in current dollars ). The developing world will grow from one third of the Global economy to about half. Social, political power follows economic so the Global Center of Cultural Gravity shifts from the Middle East and Asia in the 15th century to Europe to America in the 20th century and from America back to Asia in the 21st century.

The second change is why the first is happening - the third wave is technology, first was Agriculture from 6,000 BC to modern times, second was Industrial, the third is


Information Technology which is already our biggest business. IT, computers and telecommunication is bigger than transportation, construction even government. The reason for growth without inflation is the major shift in the means of production and distribution. Traditional economic models based on physical assets and goods ( agriculture, mining, manufacturing, wholesale and retail ) factory utilization, inventory miss the changing picture of reality. Even The Federal Reserve ( Greenspan ) has noticed the shift in economic activity. They feel productivity of IT is having a important effect but aren't sure how IT effects the basic economic structure.

The means of production are now intellectual, value is distribution by services such as educational, medical, financial, design, media, telecommunications, electrical, and involve global relationships. The shift is from "objects" to "forms", from things to concepts and ideas. A big shift, example, best explained by Fritjoe Capra in physics and Kevin Kelly in Biology Living.htm see also futures.htm


The mission of the synergy network is to explore the range of


- Information Technology. The special talent of the human species is


  • Information Transfer - The CATCH-ON factor (Allen Wilson).

  • Skills training started with better tools in stone, in metal, in hunting and fishing. With agriculture knowledge came organizational ability - SYNERGY - getting more from the group than the sum of the parts. The MARS adventure is a wonderful example of team work, communications, shared hopes and benefits. SOMEHOW the internet should add to synergy, see packets, to the numbers who catch-on.




    has always taken more than just information. There has to be an emotional base, ability to change - to see in new ways - to be open to new experiences. There are enought clues on the Wiredbrain for those who are interested. Those who are not interested there is no way of meaningful communications. PATHOS = caring - having the interest and doing something. What we value is what we do, not what we say. LOGOS = information, knowledge - the subject itself. ETHOS = what do we do with


  • IT

  • ? KNOWLEDGE = information + understanding, being a different person doing things in a different style. The human synergy shortage in



  • is costing companies about $660 billion a year. The Synergy site style is designed to conform and reinforce the learning systems of


    IT. For example:

    This book is an example, a process, not a finished product of today's most important story , and about how Communications technology , and living systems and are critical new ideas such as: The networks rising in the Far West ( East )


  • THE NOISE on packets.htm for now technology

  • Netscape, Oracle, IBM, SunMicrosystems and Everyone else ( Corel, Novell ) see "Internet technologies are creating an opportunity for new "information utilities," but no one yet knows what they will look like, Eric Schmidt, chairman and chief executive of networking firm Novell (NOVL) said in a speech this morning at Summer Internet World.
    We are not at the end, but at the beginning of this journey," Schmidt said referring to the evolution of the Web. "We have a name, the Web, but we may not have a destination" CNET NEWS
    The spirit in the world "deus ex machina",


  • C/net

    We now put the GWP at about $ 37 trillion global economy

    A Share of Global Income Over Time
    Year Richest 20% Poorest 20% Ratio of Rich/Poor

    1960 70.2 2.3 30:1

    1970 73.9 2.3 32:1

    1980 76.3 1.7 45:1

    1989 82.7 1.4 59:1

    In 1960 the richest fifth of the world's population received 70% of global income compared to 2.3% for the world's poorest 20%. By 1989 the richest 20% had increased their share to 82.7% while the bottom fifth saw their share of global income shrink from 2.3% to 1.4%.6 In Brazil the richest 20% earn 28 times as much as the poorest 20%. In the US from 1977-89 the average real income of the top 1% increased by 78% while the poorest 20% of the population saw their income decrease by 10.4% A big shift. see networks.htm

  • Population and Per Capita GWP ( gross domestic product ) est at $ 37 trillion

  • THE USA has about 250 million people at $ 30 thousand = GDP/per = $ 6 trillion GDP

    4 % of population but 16.5 % of the World's wealth

  • THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD has 1 billion people with an average product of $ 20 thousand per capita = $ 20 trillion

  • 15 % of global population produces 67 % of Global Product GWP: Why ? Not because of race or character but because of modern technology and infrastructure ! There is industrial world in parts of the developing world such as parts of Brazil, which has the worlds fastest growing computer market. There are parts of the Industrial world "underdeveloped" such as parts of the American Rural south and many urban centers.

  • USA, Western Europe, Japan, South Africa, Korea, Hong Kong and the other tigers


  • 2 billion people with an average $5,000 per capita product = $ 10 trillion of the global economy is in parts of Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America parts of China and India, Middle East - these populations have schools, hospitals, roads, airports, telephones, TV, electric power, newspapers, and the structure for growth. Somewhere around $7,500 the market takes off.

  • The developing 30 % of the world produces 27 % of the GWP activity.

  • THE LESS DEVELOPED 2 billion people with and annual production of $ 1,000 per person totals $ 2 trillion, 30 % of the population produce only 5 % of the global economy GWP. Why ? Because they use ancient technology ! They don't have schools, phones, electric power, roads, et al but depend on traditional agriculture.

  • We now have to include most of CHINA in the underdeveloped world; with a billion people with a per person product of $500.00 China only has a 750 billion economy.

  • The less developed ( really poor ) central Africa, parts of India 1.5 billion people produce less than 2 % of the GWP.


  • 6.5 Global Population - $5,750 Per Capita - produce a $ 37 trillion global economy GWP

  • ( Global World Product )

  • PROJECTIONS 15 years

  • Industrial World 1 billion $30,000 Per capital = $ 30 trillion 15 % of the population goes down in relative terms from 67 % to 45 % of the earth wealth . Inequality increases and social stability declines.

    Developing world: Eastern Europe and Russia, Latin America, Middle East parts of India and now includes most of China with a average of $ 7,000 per capita production now produces $ 35 trillion ( more than the highly Industrial countries but less per capita . ) Social stability increases - but revolutions come when things are getting better but the new richer classes are held back by the old "powers that be".

    China has an average per capita $ 5,000 = $ 7 trillion GDP.. will pass the USA by the middle of the next century !

  • The developing countries go up in relative terms from to 35 % to 50 % of GWP
  • Less Developed 1.5 people at under $1,000 each = $ 3.5 trillion still lags and is unstable !!!

  • Averages 7.5 people at $ 7,500 = $ 70 trillion Gross World product

  • Freedom and democracy depend on income distribution:

  • The problem of the federalist papers #10 and #52
    The more freedom, the less equality, which then threatens freedom.

  • The more "free enterprise" the greater concentration of power which threatens competition. Power flows from the outside in, then from the center out. The more the situation is forced the more it gets "out-of-control".

  • Government has to do more that protect an "even playing field " . If there is equal opportunity some will do a lot better and some can't make it at all. Government has to reduce the "hard" results for the benefit of both winners and losers. This is SYNERGY high moral societies as described by Benedict and Maslow.

    Individuals, families and firms act as sub-species and breeds, in ecological space. Ecology more like chaos theory than a calm "balance of nature". evolution is best described as a highly dynamic and unstable network of relationships on the edge of sudden change. Ecology tends toward species domination, with a few communities setting the conditions for survival of the whole system.

  • In human communities dominant clusters can make arrangements among themselves, so to protect their common welfare from each other and outsiders. It is NOT just survival of the fittest but the welfare of the well placed and connected. The ancient empires and modern groups such as GM, IBM, et al never made the best product at the lowest price but could control the market from unlimited free enterprise, with or without, government assistance. Remember the government is a committee of the ruling class for the purpose of the maintenance of social stability and the status quo.

  • Political and religious fundamentalist can't deal with dilemma, they are either/or types. Political and social judgement depends on balance of freedom and equality, free markets and constraints, mercy and justice, truth and mythology.

  • The most important action of public policy is in the area of education. Education, as different from training, helps people see beyond the prejudice and limits of their ruts. It helps with complex reality rather than simple "wrong" ideas. Evils come from false ideas and stupid actions ( sometimes with the best of intentions, missionaries and foreign aid ). Education helps both freedom, of the mind and soul, and equality of social power. Societies with real education ( beyond training of skills ) will do a lot better in the long and short run. Those "book" explores the dimensions of learning, doing and social justice - and their business and economic effects. It does come down the wise, smart morals, true values - standards that all "civilizations" have supported or they have become fallen, all people know and do, or they fail as "people".

    EXCITE Search Chapter I

    The small stable school learning and doing in the electronic age


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    EXCITE Search Chapter II

    Learning and Doing in the Global Economy - world class being and becoming

    RE: The price of everything:

    "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." Hebrew Bible. Proverbs 16:18.

    Do we really care about the great European ( Greek ) Liberal Tradition - freedom, individualism, the rights of women ( men), free expression, religious and cultural tolerance ? Because there is no natural market for these values in the "New World Order". Virtue, freedom must earned by each generation. So rather than lecture China, or puff ourselves up with false pride, we need to get at it.

    The "Laws of supply and demand" have not been repealed but must be re-interpreted. Global transactions are now different in form and substance than conceived by neo-classical materialist economic models. Geo-economics create new biological relationships between politics and economics, especially on an international scale.

    Reasons for a long period of growth, good labor markets and low inflation include factors that have very little to do with public policy:

    1.) International capital markets efficiently redistribute capital. Local capital going into local production can easily produce more than the effective local demand. Trade wars or pump priming deficits designed to increase demand will cause increases in the money supply. More money with the same amount of goods means it takes more money to buy the same goods, called inflation.

    When the Spanish empire imported gold from the New World but did not increase production at the same rate, prices went up. Money is not wealth. Now, global banking systems would quickly reinvest the King's gold in profitable enterprises all over the globe as they do for the King's of Arabia black gold, oil billions are well managed, as are Japan's trillions.

    Nothing has been purchased more dearly than the little bit of reason and sense of freedom which now constitutes our pride. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), German philosopher. The Dawn, aph. 18 (1881).

    2.) The Rise of the Age of Asia:

    Having little or nothing to do with individualism or "democracy" Asian models of competition and cooperation have created dynamic pools for the production and distribution of wealth - somewhat like the role of the Indies and the New World in the 18th and 19th Century. The center of global transactions moved from Madrid, to Paris, to London, to New York.. now to Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, Taipei, east to west to east.

    He who the Gods would destroy, they first make boastful...

    Nor was civil society founded merely to preserve the lives of its members; but that they might live well: for otherwise a state might be composed of slaves, or the animal creation . . . nor is it an alliance mutually to defend each other from injuries, or for a commercial intercourse. . . . But whosoever endeavors to establish wholesome laws in a state, attends to the virtues and vices of each individual who composes it; from whence it is evident, that the first care of him who would found a city, truly deserving that name, and not nominally so, must be to have his citizens virtuous. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), Greek philosopher. Politics, bk. 3, ch. 9, sct. 1280 (c. 343 B.C.).

    3.) Family, work, honesty, loyalty, reverence, obedience, ( Self- Disciple, Compassion, Responsibility, Friendship, Courage, Perseverance, Faith - from William Bennett's - The Book of Virtues ) are traditional cultural values and good for business: The Vices such as greed, selfishness, deceit, bad manners, T.V. mass cultures of corrupt private, educational, religious and public institutions are unfortunate for individuals, destructive to marriages and families, destroy communities, businesses, and societies.

    Knowledge and competence have to be mentioned BUT as an effect not the cause of good behavior. Skills training ( which is 90 % of American - Value Free education ) can't work.. not without "practical" virtues. Charter schools, vouchers, a great National Electronic University, constitutional reform, disciple brigades, global villages, and other new ideas must be started now before the decline and fall of the West.

    Do we really care about the great European ( Greek ) Liberal Tradition - freedom, individualism, the rights of women ( men), free expression, religious and cultural tolerance ? Because there is no natural market for these values in the "New World Order". Virtue, freedom must earned by each generation. So rather than lecture China, or puff ourselves up with false pride, we need to get at it. 

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    EXCITE Chapter III, Mind, (thinking) body (doing) and soul (caring)

    The mind, body and soul of quality - more than a process

    RE: Power Shifting, shifting, leaning, turning, over turning...

    The crowd all moves to one side to see what is going on. They are watching the new moon rise, the age of the rising sun as it begins. A great cry, wail or moan blackens the sky, as the great ship begins to tip. The great boat leans, tips, bends, drops, sags and slowly begins to turn over. Those that were in control, lose control; as new forces rise up, new powers rebel, new energy evolves, things are changing fast...

    The executive captains of the ship, these privileged in the wheel house, have felt the currents move under them. Politics, media, journalist, professors, deans, mayors, members of the board - the powers that be - have worried about the kids, the game playing wise guys, playing with strange sounds and styles, video games techo-freaks, long haired, hippies, billionaires who are screwiest late at night, talking mysteriously in codes, and are strangely oriental in their ways. Authority shifts as the "bosses" don't know what is happening. 

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    EXCITE Chapter IV, Management and policy

    RE: Basics: Human Social geography

    First Wave:

    Since humans began to live in settled communities the technology has shaped their habitat. To point out the obvious, town size was limited by the transportation and storage of food, the requirements of security, and construction materials and skills. Urban population centers, because of plague and the lack of sanitation of waste which contaminated the water supply, had higher death than birth rates, therefore could not sustain themselves until the current century. They required replenishment from the supporting rural area.

    Second Wave:

    With the industrial revolutions the West turned half urban only in the last century, for most of human history 90 % of the population was rural.

    The modern city has been shaped by trains, subways, bridges, sky- scrapers, and mostly by the automobile. The walking town sprawled out as the streetcar suburbs, then the complete sprawl of Los Angeles.

    Third Wave Habitat:

    Mountain View, Redmond, campus wired; Singapore, Hong Kong, Global Villages in Australia and New Zealand - How will the technology shape the patterns of human habitation ? The industrial city was placed between the water and rail - Chicago, London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, but now Utah, Colorado Springs, are just as likely growth centers. The requirements are 1.) security - political stability 2.) friendly legal and tax business climate 3.) natural climate, health and beauty 3.) labor market - education cultural supports 4.) a good airport 5.) trucks, trains, boats and wires, 6.) cost of doing business

    Well what fits: Barbados, Ireland, NZ, Monaco, Spain, Greece, South Africa, China.. ???

    The ecology of meaning - context and relationships

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    EXCITE Chapter V, change trust and technology

    The technology of relationships; who we are depends on where we are -



    Brave new worlds

    ; St.John's Wort, Soma, the Mystery of the Far East.. "Huxley, Aldous Leonard,"

    A vision or the realization of a radically transformed human existence, especially one in which scientific and technological change has a strong, adverse impact on social, political, and economic structures: "This brave new world of science . . . offered broader opportunities for greater success to more people. At the same time, it scarred those who could not reap its benefits" (W. Bruce Lincoln). [After Brave New World, title of a novel by Aldous Huxley (1894-1963).]The Doors of Perception (1954) and its sequel Heaven and Hell (1956) deal with Huxley's experiences with hallucinogenic drugs.


    1. The entire body of an organism, exclusive of the germ cells. 2. The body of an individual as contrasted with the mind or psyche. 3. A "happy drug" in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, who projects a world in the "Year of Our Ford" when people will go not to the movies but to the "feelies," where men will be attended by "pneumatic" girls (a word borrowed from T. S. Eliot's poem "Whispers of Immortality") and human reproduction will be controlled by the state

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    EXCITE Chapter VI , the pathology of new visions

    It's not easy seeing in a new way - networks

    A few major ideas: Letters from the Future:

    U.S. White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy report titled "Science and Technology - Shaping the Twenty-First Century."

    "No technology promises to affect our world more profoundly than the rapid sweep of digital technology. Every sector of our economy - manufacturing and services, transportation, health care, education, and government - is being transformed by the power of information technologies to create new products and services and new ways to communicate, resulting in significant improvements in productivity and knowledge sharing. "

    Physical Astronomy has discussed the space time continuum for 50 years ( since the Special Theory of Relativity ) but very few of us can grasp the idea of curved space and time. Time warps, however, a common experience. Israel, for example, is in a vortex of space time where a few thousand years of social attitudes, from ancient tribes to post modern, swirl in conflicts projected into a small space. Washington D. C. can be seen as partly stuck in the 18th century, partly in the 19th century industrial age, partly in the new deal, and partly in the modern tele-communications age from the 1960’s. In parts of Africa, if people could return after a thousand years in the past, they would not find life much changed. In other places, our grandfathers would find the current world as strangers in a strange land. Queen Elizabeth II, was born into a royal world so different, that cultural shock is a way of life to her and her family. Of course they don’t "get it".

    These letters from the future are notes from one of the many space-time locations that exist in reality someplace, and projections of other locations that do not yet exist. There is no single future as there is no single past. The past and the future do not exist in whatever current space time place you now occupy but are projections, myths, images seen darkly through a hall of mirrors - unknown and unknowable. What we think about the past, our current fashions in history, does shape our behavior and in the same way our expectations for the future shape the present. Future studies is not very different in style and method from history, if it is based on first hand reports from those that are already there. There are people and firms living in our future, in space time beyond where we now believe ourselves to exist. Time space does bend and move at different speeds depending on force fields around us.

    The history of human communities is a unstable but consistent progression from smaller and provincial toward larger and more universal.

    From family groups to clans, tribes, nations, empires, and inter-national grouping and organizations. Time get faster, distance get bigger, events and change speed up.

    From local spirits and myths of creation and a flat earth under a dome of the sky to: A place where the earth turns, the Sun Stands Still, and the ideas of basic astronomy promoted in the 16th and 17th centuries are common knowledge.

    The 18th century saw the separation of physical reality and science from traditional faiths for the ruling classes but not for the mass public. Modern humans become a part of natural history and evolution for the intelectuals but not the bible belt. Objective science was firmly established in the 19th century along with industrial urban society but the old styles remain. The "church" really likes the 13th century, the reform "church" the 17th.

    In our lifetime the solid earth has moved under our feet as great plates move continents, mountains rise and fall.

    In our century, quanta theory allows material to go from here to there without passing through the space between the objects. Mass and energy become parts of general fields. Forces in Time-Space become curved and black holes become the big bangs of more universes out of our sight in a huge cosmos.

    Life forms have been found miles deep in the oceans and within the earth, organic life forms live without light, water or air. Organic microorganisms and genetic materials most likely exist widely in space. Life is prevalent cosmically and not special to our little corner of reality. The "real" world as we experience it is only a special case, so our sense of space and time is very provincial and solid matter is not what we think. These ideas are now getting into 8th grade text books.

    The expansion of scientific thought has left the social, political and religious paradigms out of sink. Industrial, management, educational and psychological models which guide collective behavior no longer fit the reality of events.

    CASES: An industrial school system and mega-Universities can no longer match the information transfer technology and learning skills that produce wealth and power. The role of education has declined as social gate keepers, with the role of a many social institutions designed to maintain the class status quo. It is getting harder for the ruling class to pass on family advantages to their children. Status Universities who take youth of promise and socialize then into the ways and rules of the ruling class now really need to make stronger connections between thinking and doing. Social Class traditions have been weakened by new systems of mass media and continuous learning.

    A small business, chamber of commerce, labor union model of political parties doesn't relate to the changes in real power or the popular life experience and concerns. The 18th century "balance of power" constitutional structure and foreign policy doesn't work in the global economy.

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    The modern corporation is under great pressure as the "model" organization for economic life. The paradigm is shifting from industrial to biological, from mechanical to cybernetic information systems, from bureaucratic to dynamic small groups and task forces, from central command and control to clusters and cloud chambers, from military campaigns to expeditions in unknown territories. Management is moving from systems analysis to images of wholes and probes of successive hypothesis and the analog of order in chaos.


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Copies of the SYNERGY JOURNALS sent by request: pflaump@wiredbrain.com Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE 225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 (904) 428-1355


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