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which are not limited in content therefore is nonlinear and not fixed in time or space.


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Synergy Logo for default.htm our current working page - today's comments on the synergy Journal

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The Wonders of the mind




Ferret finds 1500 Wiredbrain "pflaump" web pages

COPERNIC searches all the main engines very quickly

Make PORTALS your home page and use "wiredbrain" password "synergy" for set-up start pages.

Alltheweb does as it claims to be fast and large

FAST Web SearchWeb Search

Most search engines now find about 30 % of the 350 million pages. So you need to check many engines.

The Go networks does a good job with 

Get Gooey!

What science knows

MSN search now does the best jobMSN now does the best search

OUR Social ergonomics

XML: the most powerful productivity tool ever imaged:

I can write this text, I could insert picture or sound. I can create links ( hyper- links ) or imbedded functions ( scripts in several languages ) - e-mail it or post it to a web site that has scripts to run different functions. It is getting easier but still has lots of bugs.

Microsoft is again in a catch up position. Power corrupts and the lack of real time painful competition is what corrupted power means.

The NOISE group of Netscape, Oracle, IBM, Sun Microsystems, Corel and Everyone else had the model right years ago. With bandwidth ( such as private networks - intranets, extra-nets, and other high speed networks ) the network becomes the system. Each member of the system - clients and servers are integrated through common languages or objects.

When you open a web page, hypertext and imbedded objects can connect functions - edit, ( word processing ) analyze ( search, data bases ) and interoperate with each other using voice, images, data and text.

The idea is that a person interested in the service manual for a piece of equipment or operational system - a service engineer or client at a PC, or in the field using a lap top, wireless phone or other device not only could look up information but order parts, update systems, see graphic display, talk to experts, hold a meeting between the consultant and the providers and the home system would gather information about what is going on and what works and what doesn’t.

Providers of services - software, engineering, analysis, B2B, OEM, etc.. could all deal with each other using different languages, platforms and systems. This is the most powerful productivity tool ever imaged. System can adjust and improve in real time. A contractor in the field can order supplies from the best low cost provider, check delivery, pay accounts, check balances, talk to sub-contractors, revise plans and schedules, have the design changed and fixed, and 1000 and more details. No one can build a house without a cell phone - can any service be provided without real time communications ?

Who can do this unless they spend lots of money for services and software ?

The service providers can MS.net, oracle.net, IBM.net Sun.net, AOL.net, apple.net, excite.net, go.net, yahoo.net, - plug and play just like the cell phone. For $ 50 a month your ISP becomes an interactive system to other services.

The contractor enters his phone book, calendar, and buys services from engineers, accountants, and get free services from suppliers, banks, sub contractors, etc. Those connected have a great advantage over those out of the loop.

How about a search attached to stories.

The idea of references is still useful but you can also do a up to the minute search by a hyper text link that includes the key words -



More power in a Palm Pilot than on the Apollo 10:

The accelerating rate of change forecast more change in the next century than in the last 10,000 years.

The increases in the rate of change between paradigms began at about 5000 years as ideas spread slowly - domestic animals, agriculture, metallurgy, then cities, bureaucracy and empires - then 500 years - printing, navigation, mathematics, deep mining up to the 18th century.

Then 100 years with potatoes, steam and steel, electric and chemical, communications and computers. Now in 25 years ideas are activated that used to take a century, then 12.5 years will have a century of 20th century progress, then 6.25 years what used to take a century and so forth.

The acceleration of the rate of change has been going on for a long time - it just gets faster and faster.

Therefore if Nano computer would have taken 50 years in the past it can be done in 12.5 years.

The speed of application of stem cells to build body parts, cloned cells used as normal therapies, use of immunization in treatments of ongoing virus infections and cancers, genetic engineered plants and animals as a normal accepted process, all being implemented at great speed. Even in a slow bulky industries such as cars - the fuel cell will move along more quickly than such technologies would have in the past. This really effects markets, marketing, and business planning in very fundamental ways.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/business/index.shtml go to weekly then global business at the bottom of page

The Age of Spiritual Machines : When Computer Exceed Human Intelligence by Ray Kurzweil (Paperback - January 2000)

The Age of Spiritual Machines : When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence by Ray Kurzweil (Hardcover - January 1999)

Darwin Among the Machines :

The Evolution of Global Intelligence (Helix Books) by George B. Dyson (Paperback - October 1998)


Windows in the cloudy sky:

What Microsoft wants to do is control the servers with a MS provided next, next generation NT platform operating system called XML but not open and universal.

The .net system works with devices that have .net codes built it. Microsoft products will run on .net as a server - client interface - XML files, XML data base, XML storage, XML index, id, calendar, updates, notifications, out in the cloud on MS XML server software doing object imbedded codes.

The applications become notations or services on the page.

The universal canvas API. Hardware drives, across all the devices and the .net controller in the a cloud. Development applications are built on the XML kits connected to the browser. This was Netscape’s vision from the beginning.. This is why MS had to kill Netscape and the NOISE group and what the browser wars was really about.

The platform is in the sky - Microsoft idea is the new version of what Netscape and SUN - the NOISE group ( Netscape, Oracle, IBM, Sun, and Everyone else ) started talking about five years ago.

The server ( web site ) company internets, the ISP, wireless devices, i-appliances, game panels, can all use audio, video, photograph, office applications - word process, presentation, spread sheets, data bases, in a interactive way using a server AGENT or personalized options given the application, the device used, and the pattern of application - on a rental or fee-for-service basics. In other words all the complex stuff is up stream - rich standards based on XML works between platforms and programs but at the server not on the PC - This is the critical and profound change.

The server in the cloud does the transfer and integration - is the platform in the sky that can work with all kinds of devices. It can take a record from one place in one format and uses it in another program in a different format guided by the smart agent. Information can be used almost anywhere from almost anywhere.

The devices can use keyboards, mouse, voice, hand writing, file transfer, clip board, as inputs as well as agent intelligence on the server and user interface.

Not news - cloudy vision part two :


Gates for the first time emphasized the Web browser as the central application of computing. Echoing remarks made by counterparts Marc Andreessen and Scott McNealy four years ago, Gates said the network is even more important than the computer.


Microsoft is creating an advanced new generation of software that will meld computing and communications in revolutionary new ways; offer every developer the tools to transform the Web and all other aspects of the computing experience; and enable businesses, knowledge workers and consumers to employ technology on their own terms.

See cloudy vision in http://www.wiredbrain.com/gates.htm

year Bill Gates ( reference to HTML ) Building Internet Applications Professional Developers Conference San Francisco -- March 13, 1996


Maybe the only place to find these remarks

Individual development, organizational change, and In the computer industry, power comes not from the barrel of a gun but from the interface of a protocol.

Make PORTALS your home page and use "wiredbrain" password "synergy" for set-up start pages.

MSN search now does the best job MSN now does the best search
Use the Codes to Wiredbrain

Social ergonomics


NETWORK EPCOT II Electronic Prototype Community PAGE
Rev. R. Peter Keegan Ph.D

The core of the idea of the

Key Word "wiredbrain"
Your Futures Links
Tomorrows story today: Wiredbrain's Reports from the future:

StarOffice 5 is a free download from Sun microsystems at


65 MB without recover ( not easy the CD is $10 plus shipping


StarOffice has a fully integrated set of powerful applications that provides Microsoft Office compatible word processing, spreadsheet, graphic design, presentations, HTML editor, mail/news reader, scheduler, and database functions. With the release of the new 5.1 version for worldwide distribution, StarOffice provides significant performance and feature upgrades that improve user experience and productivity.

StarOffice 5.1 includes:

  • StarOffice Writer for document editing,
  • StarOffice Calc for creating spreadsheets,
  • StarOffice Impress for creating presentations,
  • StarOffice Draw and StarImage for creating vector and bit-mapped graphics,
  • StarOffice Schedule for managing calendars and to-do lists,
  • StarOffice Mail for handling e-mail,
  • StarOffice Base for creating interfaces to databases,
  • StarOffice Discussion for reading Internet news, and
  • StarOffice Math for creating complex formulas,
  • StarOffice Workplace for creating a desktop environment



It's really good !

The integration of text, http editor, spreadsheets, presentations, drawing, mail, frames, work folders, database, global documents, diagrams, images, formula, is really MUCH better than Office and word.

And it's free

Click for an image of the future :

Low Orbit satellites beam down to earth

- Communications, media, the nature of work and the wealth of nations.

Table of Contents:
MESSAGE CENTER Index.htm, papers.htm, networks.htm, book.htm packets, basics of the internet

The search of the synergy site and the structure of knowledge and search technology
New articles from LYCOS link alert PURSUIT :

Research methods for the Internet:

Many students and professionals now use the Internet as a primary research tool.

There are some simple methods to take advantage of some of the new technology which enable the research to create multi-search engine archives and move fairly smoothly through the better sites. Since most browses limit bookmarks and are prejudice in the use of search engines, commercial interest now overwhelm academic or professional standards and interest.

First you need some basic tools - the Internet connection, explorer and Netscape ( why not both ? )

Then look at

http://www.wiredbrain.com/portals.htm for a list of search engines. One should try the same search of about 5 to 10 words common in the area of your interest, on several to get an idea of their advantages and limitations.

Then find and down load:



The GO networks engine is too unstable and has banners and ads that get in the way but some people may find it useful and they may fix the problems.


After you have downloaded and saved these files - open them and check the options to set them for the browser you use, set the search for time and number limits.

All the multi-search work like


but keep you files so you don’t have to go back a fourth from the search page to the sites and back.


On most pages ( not too Long ) you can use "edit" select all, copy and paste to notebook or wordpad, then to Word or wordperfect word processor. By using an unformatted plain text insert you may avoid hard returns and other editing errors that will transfer with the text. Otherwise you have to remove the line returns or hard returns that break-up sentences and paragraphs. Otherwise you can highlight the parts you want and copy and paste. Images can be saved By using the right click in Netscape, view images, files save as, and in Explorer right click "save picture as" BE sure to give credit where credit is due.

Key word "infrastructure"


Click here for the emerging history

of the 21st century.

All Boiled down on CONVERGENCE AOL: the super market of the world

What does AOL Time Warner ( and Wal-Mart, & some Computer terminal company and cable modem or broadband connection ) mean for the future of global society ? What is the image they pursue ?


CONVERGENCE: Interactive television, combining audio telephone, video conference and cable or satellite TV, video on demand, all designed to advertise and sell on the spot all kinds of good and services.

What is called "entertainment" on television is different from plays, or movies or theme parks or games or sports because the role of "content" is only to attract an audience so they can be sold something.

The job of television is sales - not news or information or entertainment which are only provided so people watch and can be sold something.

The role of AOL / Time Warner will be not only to sell others goods but direct sales.

Their dream is the click and buy advantages of two way communications.

In the process cable or other broadband can replace a good share of long distance voice, video rentals, VPN virtual private networks, if and only if, the broadband connections really works then personal computers become network devices or

http://www.wiredbrain.com/NEXUM.htm a multipurpose communications and entertainment console.

AOL Time Warner believe that whatever the method for the broadband connections they will control the content.

The contact rates - for cable, telephone, Internet and video on demand provide cash flows that support the capital for improved networks and on-line sales provide the profits.

It's not only that you can buy your tooth paste from the commercial ( click here to add it to your Wal-mart order ) but you might get free samples for filling out forms. You can add with a click to your grocery list. People really will buy travel deals, change banks or brokers, buy records after getting MP3 samples, select household gadgets, buy gifts, use auctions, even pick appliances and cars.

They will seek better mortgage and insurance rates, look for a new house, and a thousand other products and services.


Disintermediation means becoming the middle person between the buyer and seller. On-line systems such as Amazon.com means direct sales take on a whole new meaning. I would look for a Amazon Wal-mart connection if not merger.

AOL can do what Sears did.

The Sears brands were produced by OEM ( original equipment manufactures ) with Sears keeping a very tight control of quality and margins. Many of their providers became dependents. B2B means the intermediary can arrange shipments from the provider to the buyer and become the super market of the world.

Britain's Keele University, and from Cavendish Management Resources (CMR), of a "3-D Memory System" that promises 3.4 terabytes in a device the size of a credit card it costing about $48!!

Fast transportable records means a whole new world of record keeping and economic transactions. Indeed the time has come for

Global Money as well as communications.

The concept of a virtual organization - of a transitory network of individuals coupled together by advanced communications technologies - continues to grow in prominence. However, a lack of detailed, real-world cases poses a significant problem when attempting to analyze the business potential of linking remote workers in patterns of

virtual organization. Such a lack of examples is particularly acute within the small business sector. A case study of a UK-based SME - Cavendish Management Resources - is presented. Both practical and theoretical insights into new flexible

patterns of organization in the small business sector are presented.FROM


Interactive Network Dispatcher to be Used in Largest School Internet Project in History Dispatcher JUMP is the interesting feature see the news for the schools application

Computers for Education (CFE)

has selected IBM to provide every K-12 school, teacher and student in the United States with a free Internet Web site. Dubbed the American School Directory project, this project will provide information and communication for teachers, students, parents, local communities and families planning a move.

The Rapidly Changing Face Of Computing

The Far Eastern NetWorks, the Fourth Wave - a new topic


is a Internet site with a high grade (T3) connection using current and future technology ( Sun Micro- systems ) server, with Sound, Video, Phone, conference, mail, newsletters, donated by the software companies.

The site is host to WORLD-SITE and can be rented by learning systems around the world.

New Civilizations

New Civilizations


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Links: Your Futures Links


I am asking the synergy bunch to join and use this news server for ideas and reports from the future.

The future has arrived it just hasn't arrive at the same time everywhere -

We moved and changed the directory structure.

The /images are on another site. Please let me know of broken links


Site Map


TO THE INDEX PAGE of the synergy site.
Please write to Pflaump@wiredbrain.com - http://www.wiredbrain.com/


The High Frontier:

The great web server in the sky,

The idea is a set of prototype Internet centers that connect via cable and/or satellite.Excite Telecommunications

The high ground, strategic business location in the computer hardware and software short term future, is general ISP ( Internet service provider ). While such providers would be common carriers as well as private networks they control the critical technology, communications. Such providers would rent zig-bytes of server sites, provide support for advanced technology in sight and sound, and offer very fast low cost delivery.

The master web server would store pages on request and be ready to deliver on demand.

The advantages of doing the cache on a big server, rather than at each site, or on C drives, are all kinds of economies of scale. Most of the money going into the Internet is Intranets - enterprise systems delivering business data, forms, information at low cost.

The Web-TV DirecPC and NC ( Network computer ) most likely will use a lot of imbedded scripts that will make them quite active. This means the catalog, sales slip, inventory, all kinds of information and user forms are all right there in real time tied to data bases, a kind of global spreed sheet, data base, lotus notes, e-mail, LAN, WAN, WINS all in one with the server doing the hard stuff.

The OE ( orginal equiptment ) supplier is Hong Kong can track sales in Cleveland and know when to make more or make less high top shoes or running shoes. Information systems made WalMart are are the life blood of the global economy.


EPCOT II: Electronic Prototype Community On-line Teaching;

We need someone with an NT server, Microsoft Information Systems: If you have a Windows NT Server(R) that is running Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), you can set up your own User Location Server.

You will need the following configuration:

  • - Windows NT version 3.51 with Service Pack 4, or version NT Server v4.0
  • - Microsoft Internet Information Server 1.0 or 2.0
  • WE will install User Location Service, (ULS) Directory for Synergy Networks.( a small application with little line use ). We want to test the system where there are several different types of lists.

    Then we may want to find a home for ForumForum is we can afford to but it. We could rent space in Synergy Towers and actually make money.

    NETMEETING 2.0 using H.323 Internet phone standards is a MAJOR push forward, but see warning below. Surely someone wants to give us space to get started? We don't need our own server, no lines, no machines, just free then rented computer space from anyone with a high class server and connection; to set up EPCOT. This will be done completely by remote control using consultants from all over the world.

    The operational system, EPCOT II is a application that opens a ULS ( user location service) and there in the window is the work group for ULS(e) Web Editors, another page (ULS(g) for Graphics, another for Office 97 applications, Oracle, Novell, etc.

    The directory tells you who is now on line and you can connect with a click.

    The connection includes peer-to-peer file sharing, (WINS type connection ) white board, chat, phone, work groups mail, et al just like you were in the same office network.

    The objects are registered with other applications so you can open connections while in Office, Web Editors, server applications.

    The server could be on a commercial site, a big machine at the phone company or on Juno. Except for big companies there is no reason to have a server of your own.

    The server is maintained and up graded by remote administration. If you want video, a video software company installs it directly on our server. If you have consultants they could be anywhere doing anything you need, web pages, video, audio, Virtual Office, chat, phone, newsletters, mail server, like a real office/classroom et al. To use the phone you don't need an exchange switching station; to use the Internet you don't need your own server connected by wires.

    The parallel no-bus processors offer high speed and no delays for multi-user servers.

    There are no serious technical problems are there ?

    RE: Examples of EPCOT II,

    The Electronic Prototype Community of the Future:

    I don't think I explained the concept as well as I could. First, we live in a service economy, second we live in a Global Economy. Many services can reduce the role of the "Middle People" as explained in Bill Gates book . How is this more than the Yellow Pages ? First we do the billing - all the problems of pay outs and paybacks for 10% - second some quality assurance - you can pick an accountant or lawyer from the yellow pages but... By being a member of EPCOT II you are subject to review. Several problems and you maybe removed. Positive and negative reviews are attached, and you can talk to other clients.
    In short it's only the real stuff, no junk...

    For Example: Accounting, Law and Taxes;

    The tax preparation program comes with a module the turns on a NETMEETING application.

    The ULS ( User Listing Service ) or directory offers a variety of help from that provided by Store Front, part-time tax prepares, to experts at $1000.00 a hour on estate law.

    For Example: Educational Services: Web TV as textbook,

    Individual tutorial and text book material is presented in multi- media CD-ROM and a module connects to on-line ( fee for service ) help, further materials, case studies, lab experiments, connections with other groups in other places doing the same class, the living textbook and Internet assistant. POINTCAST, FREELOADER, Backweb, Newpage are examples of this kind of format, a special page, index to current materials.

    For Example: Computer Application, Web publishing, INTRANET services.

    The Office 97 package comes with on-line help and services such as a power point presentation service, graphic artist, photo shop, printers of high quality materials in Prague. Each service has a ULS ( Directory) a web page, phone link, examples of their work, references to current clients. Work with your printer in Prague, or supplier in Hong Kong becomes a lot easier. see /webTutor.htm

    . information supper highway .
    RE: Internet Technology: the learning curve THE INTERNET LEARNING TOUR
    Complex systems are counter-intuitive ;
    Small, stable, smart and convenient : THE SPOT for PARTICIPATION ON THE WEB:

    The NC, batteries included, plug and play on the Network Computer


    batteries not included
    LIVE , this is close to the personal active internet system we have talked about but not really seen until NOW http://live.excite.com/

    RE: Web-TV, DirecPC Pathfinder, POINTCAST, newspage, freeloader , backweb

    http://www.">freeloader.com/ and BACKWEB

    Packet: A sequence of bits sent from one networked machine to another, from


    freeloader, backweb, PATHFINDER, newspage, Web TV type introduction to the web: This is what Web-TV DirecPC will look like when it comes on line this Christmas season.

    The public sector has 1000's of private networks doing education, health and welfare ( unemploymnet ) services.

    They all could be hooked to the internet for 100's of millions less than private lines and networks.

    A network of servers with up-links to transponders, a lot of high speed memory could deliver to any firm ( private ) networks while the old systems were still in place, therefore with very low risk. Any firm with a dish @home or web-tv DirecPC cable for download and ISDN ( for input ) could have a world wide, low cost delivery system. Some sites could uplinked but for most applications input doesn't have to be as fast as the download of reformatted packages. We get a lot more data than we send. POINTCAST, RealAudio, freeloader, backweb, Excite, Netscape/oracle/sun all see the big picture and MS will very quickly catch on. For a few million (or less or more) some people could get there first with such low prices as to discourage competition.

    EPCOT would be the basis of quick cash flow, for what is really a move into the high ground. I don't know if that is clear. A satellite connection to a server anywhere, ( really three, one in the far east, one in Europe, on the the States ) delivers to hotels, in major cities world wide, a high band delivery.

    The EPCOT II are a work away from the office center, entertainment, what ever. What EPCOT II really is, is the set up for enterprise systems at 10% of current costs, and 50 % of anything on the market for several years, using current technology and moving quickily into wireless low orbit systems.

    Copies of the SYNERGY JOURNAL sent by request: Pflaump@wiredbrain.com Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE 225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169-2176 (904) 428-7924


    Search Engine JOURNALISM: Assistance Editors Wanted

    We need your ideas on this. Starrting with live.excite.com which provides a personal search engine of over 2000 JOURNALs by the topics of interest.

    The index.html is some of the materials found about Intranets, network computers and distance education.

    Then enews has 2000 JOURNALs you can look at, PATHFINER from Time/Warner and newspages will sort for you, POINTCAST updates and sorts and soon will be connected to Netscape's e-mail http programs, there are other efforts in this direction getting set up for Web- TV. Rather than look for JOURNALs or articles you can look for subjects, like the "Readers guide to periodic literature" updates in real time. Excite does a very good job and saves lots of time from the hunting and gathering mode to the information processing mode.

    What does this mean for JOURNALISM ?

    The tradition of reporters and professors, teachers and media bosses; is they find and sort information for you.

    The JOURNALs tell you what's important and what you need to know.

    They tend to be pack animals and stick to the news "above the fold" in the NY Times and the current PC attitudes in their fields. Computer magazines don't bite the hands that feed them - Microsoft and PC's, the reaction to the NC is a clear case of seeing what they want to see. Now it is possible that SYNERGY JOURNAL's, a sort of Newsgroups, Mailing lists and list servers, or User groups et al find ways into the JOURNAL business. It's the search engine stupid plus the function of some intelligence and cooperation. If you do a plain search there is no "content control" anyone can say anything. A JOURNAL has editors and professionals that sorta some of the trash for you. By the Surges rule 90% of "information" is trash, old, wrong, unclear, prejudiced, and the reader beware !

    JOURNALISM then becomes a sort engine - a moderator selecting materials as good, fair, possible, useless. SynergyTimes or JOURNAL could will do this for Education, Training, Technology transfer, information systems as they apply to the "learning to learn" process. Excite Live does most of the work but we add materials from the newspage, POINTCAST, and other sorted material as it comes along. I need you HELP.. assistant editors.. sorters who let SYNERGY JOURNAL know what and how we should pay attention.


    EPCOT: Electronic Prototype Community On-line Technology

    Distance Learning

    What do we know.

    The public schools can't change because they are a state monopoly and like state socialism it doesn't work. Second we have a trade deficit. Third the technology exists for charter schools of the 21st century today.


    The Information Planet

    The synergy of low orbit satellites, ground station/servers transmitters, cell transponders ( wireless phones ) with the NC ( Network Computer ) Web-TV DirecPC will produce a major revolution in the information/computer/software business ( that Bill Gates will announce by the end of the year). General purpose remote servers will provide data and applications to new kinds utility power machines.

    Web pages are a input-output form that update records, contain e-mail, http, java instructions that inform, instruct, question, and interact with the individual and their special functions. As a text book, accounts book, order book, to-do notebook, bank book, tour book, phone book, library book, power book all hyper- linked to the net and powerful graphic display it has become the most robust information tool ever and the cornerstone of the computer/educational/informational third wave post industrial global society.

    The public schools are still in the 19th century, and public policy has not focused on how the military-industrial complex of NASA, DOD ( Navy ) Communications, NSA ( CIA ) and super-computers all ready have the physical network in place. Opening of military technology and hardware could project the USA into true Super-power information technology well ahead of Europe or the Far East ( Japan ).

    The great Internet Server (ISP) in the sky can do what ever you imagine to be in your interests, your personal search engine will tie information to java scripts, as now done by marimba.COM see the BongoTaste demo, and present you at any time with up to date information individually searched at your command . http://www.marimba.com/people/klass/index.html

    Your IP connection can set up a private channel so your interests, software, information, and data is updated all the time and ready to go. POINTCAST , EXCITE , Newspage , Pathfinder, INTERmind , FREELOADER and BACKWEB
    Netscape-Oracle-Sun, Lotus Notes all are scrambling to get this in place) Your all-in-one office is anywhere.

    The Network gives you private connections to work groups, conferences, http e-mail with audio/video, telephone, data bases which produce individualized reports in 3-D graphics, what you need or can imagine you need, what, or hope for is all there and cheap. Your search engine news will including what the other groups are doing, inside, outside and topside. POINTCAST, Excite, and Netscape/Marimba/Oracle/Sun are ready to go ! ( also the search engines

    use "wiredbrain" such as Yahoo, AltaVista, see: http://www.marimba.com/people/klass/search.html all the search engines
    use "wiredbrain" on one page.

    The New thinking about servers, data base, utilities will drive new hardware which will drive communications and new applications means new software - hardware - communications on and on....If you don't know what I am talking about, it could be very important to find out. http://www.wiredbrain.com/Hotflash.htm

    Castanet uses a new protocol to distribute and update channels in a very scaleable manner. With the Castanet protocol it is possible to distribute large, dynamic, and media-rich applications even over a slow connection.

    Castanet will revolutionize the way software is distributed on the Internet and Intra-net, and it will enable the creation of a new breed of dynamic and network-aware applications. htt http://www.wiredbrain.com/Tour.htm


    Netscape will use Castanet Tuner in a new technology, code-named 'Constellation,' to provide application deployment functionality. LAS VEGAS, Nevada - Nov. 20, 1996 -- Marimba Inc., producer of the Castanet system for Internet-wide software deployment, announced today that Netscape Communications Corporation plans to integrate Marimba's Castanet Tuner into Netscape's component technology, code-named Constellation. morning, Netscape's president and chief executive officer, Jim Barksdale, demonstrated Netscape's new Constellation technology and announced the company's relationship with Marimba. Constellation is designed to allow users to merge and customize desktop and network information. Castanet is a client and server software deployment system that scales to millions. Together, the combined technologies will allow IS departments to take advantage of a means to dramatically improve application management and data distribution.

    The Castanet Tuner, which will be integrated into Constellation, allows users to subscribe to a wide range of application channels and self-updating content. Castanet channels can include anything from dynamically updated software, such as spreadsheets or a company's custom business application, to a real-time content feed. Castanet allows users a high degree of personalization over the information they receive, such as content filtered by users' topics of interest or software customized to users' desired level of functionality.

    "Using Constellation in conjunction with Marimba's Castanet Tuner, INTRANET managers will be able to more easily deploy software to enterprise desktops and take advantage of a single cross-platform environment for organizing distribution of information," said Mike Homer, senior vice president of marketing at Netscape. "Users will be able to configure their desktop icons and information services in ways that are most productive for them.
    We expect a wave of developers will be attracted by this new opportunity to produce compelling Castanet channels."

    From New Smyrna Beach, Synergy Net's design for Distance Learning What do we know.

    The public schools can't change because they are a state monopoly and like state socialism it doesn't work. Second we have a trade deficit. Third the technology exists for charter schools of the 21st century today.

    There are video conference facilities, there are training centers such as EDS model for GE, and Harris for ARCO and a number of other clients, the idea being a top quality communications set up can provide direct service and be rented. Now there are Internet Cafes, and coming this Christmas NC - Web-TV DirecPC put it all together and you have the "EPCOT II" model - remote locations in hotels, clubs, and soon homes that connect at 10 MBS (MegaBits or byte per second) via cable.. or direct from the server in the sky..

    The difference is price and the complex stuff is on a server, the user has a utility machine not a difficult expensive PC.. Oracle/Netscape/Sun and install systems now at 10% of the cost a few years ago.


    Technopeasants and the Info Aristocracy

    By Jack Powers

    It's no good being a peasant. Ignorant and superstitious, you toil away on your little plot of land serving at the pleasure of the lords of the manor, cravening before assorted priests and gentry and never quite sure why you're here or when you'll be put out or told to fling yourself in front of a cavalry charge.

    The New York Times reports NYC School Budget Analysis Shows 43% Goes to Classrooms Nov 21 By JACQUES STEINBERG

    The chancellor, using figures from last year's budget, reported that the system spent an average of $6,284 on each student in a regular classroom. Of that, it paid $2,554 for the teachers' salaries, $61 for aides and $40 for textbooks. Of the remainder, $446 went for janitors and maintenance, $285 for the cafeteria, $78 for heat, lights and power, $102 for transportation and nearly $250 for administration in board headquarters and district offices.

    A large portion of the budget, 25 percent or $1.9 billion, goes for the 130,000 students in special education. ... Michael Casserly, the executive director of the Washington-based Council of Great City Schools, which represents the nation's largest school districts, said Wednesday that the 43 percent was roughly in line with other large urban school districts.


    by Valerie Latona

    Hooking Schools Into Cyberspace http://www.enews.com:80/magazines/healthykids/current/961001-002. html Is your child's school wired for modern computers? Chances are, it's not. Recent research by the Jostens Learning Corporation, in San Diego, shows that only 14 percent of school computers are current models and that the average student-to-computer ratio in U.S. public schools is 12 to one.

    That's why President Clinton recently initiated the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund. It's mission: to make all children computer literate by the year 2000. Study: U.S. students trail in math, science

    Problems in teaching, courses suggested
    Copyright 1996 Houston Chronicle News Services


    The largest international study ever undertaken of how American students perform in math and science shows that their work lags behind many other nations even though they spend more class time on the subjects and usually are assigned more homework. More than a half-million students from 41 countries participated in the study, which was led by the U.S. Department of Education. Its findings, released Wednesday, bluntly suggest there are core problems with the teaching style and the courses that many American schools rely on to instruct students in math and science.


    The issue is not simply class time, or the amount of homework, or too much television, as important as these things are," Education Secretary Richard Riley said.

    The report's conclusions are drawn from exams given to students in all of the countries studied, along with teacher surveys, analysis of each nation's math and science curricula and classroom videotapes showing how the subjects are taught worldwide.

    Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE 225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169-2176 (904) 428-7924 http://www.wiredbrain.com/ or join #synergybunch on IRC. Go in and set up conference, documents, newspaper, teams.

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    : It's the economy stupid ! NC, Intranets, home work and "the club";

    The force of ROI ( return on investment ), benefit/cost (B/C) ratio's and the economies of scale (EoS) will DRIVE investment decisions. While people with "sunk costs" in old technology, old expertise and knowledge, old jobs and positions, old power plays, and old operations will drag their feet, they will be FORCED by short pay back times, (PBT) ROI, B/C's, EoS's to change from PC work stations (Local Area Networks) LAN, using expensive office space to more Internet/Intranets/extranets Network Computers (NC's) working at the office, at "EPCOT II" office clubs and at home.

    The annual ROI is more than 100 %, payback in a year or less, B/C from 10 to no less than 2.5: the replacement and reduction of telephone and leased line costs can increase the benefits to 1000 %.

    The average work station ( including the software, servers, maintenance and wires, only good for about 3 years ) in a office costs more than $15,000 per year to set up and maintain, house, heat, cool and feed, per year in capital and operations. For as little as 10% of that the same worker can save commuting time, be happier and more productive working at home or at a "office club" in their own neighborhoods. With a $1000.00 MONORAIL or NC ( good for two years ) that goes anywhere, using a good monitor and @home style cable connection it can be done NOW for 10% of the capital cost and annual hook up fees and services of $500.00 to $1,000 everything included.

    The company will maintain a server and/or contract out many network applications.

    The Internet Service Provider (ISP) will provide for remote access management of the network.

    The party of the first part is the employer, they have still have their own servers and connections.

    The party of the second part is the ISP who provides communications.

    The ISP and/or site managers provide data banks and the core of the network operations, servers and software - data, e-mail, audio visual, phone, fax, et al.

    The party of the fourth part is a software/hardware management consultant who helps operate the network from a remote location.

    In the office work stations capital cost are cut by 80% or more. If set up at home the $15,000 per year office operation costs less than $1,500, 1/10, 10% got it?

    The BIG DEAL are Work stations at "the club" costing $1,500 to install and rent for $25.00 a day x 250 day year or 2000 hours at $3.50 per hour to bring in about $6,000 each (

    They pay less than $500.00 annual hook ups because several stations are packaged on the same networks ). If the employee is paid for their home office or the fees at "office club" the care and feeding costs are reduced from $10,000 to $5,000, the capital costs from $10,000 to $1,500, the annual costs from $15,000 to $6,500. It's good economics, good for business, good for the environment, good for family life, good for the hotel business, it makes good sense. People who stay in business take advantage of their good sense.


    The "catch-on" factor;

    The Internet is not mainly a entertainment, advertising, mass media. It is Intranets ( Company Information Systems ) and extra- nets ( connections between companies, clients, services ).

    The impact of the NC ( Network computer and IIOP type server software ) is fast, low cost access to data bases and communications.

    The cases below show the "catch-on" factor so important to evolution of the species. I think Hotels and Business NC clubs can provide away from home sites and work stations once there is a critical mass of users. It all will happen faster than you think because of the economics.

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    The Two Frogs:

    TWO frogs were neighbors. One lived in a marsh. where there was plenty of water, which frogs love: the other frog lived in a lane some distance away, where all the water to be had was that which lay in the ruts after a rain.

    The Marsh Frog warned his friend and pressed him to come and live with him in the marsh, for he would find quarters there far more comfortable and - what is still more important- more safe. But the other refused, saying that he could not bring himself to move from a place in which he has become accustomed. A few days afterward a heavy wagon came down the lane, and he was crushed to death under the wheels.

    If a frog comes to the edge of your rut and tells you of a new and different place what would you do ? At least pay a visit to see if it's true ?

    In James Shreeve's "

    The Neanderthal Enigma" (William Morrow, 1995) he quotes Allan Wilson, who headed the team of human DNA mitochondrial research that produced the "Eve" theory.

    The theory suggests that all existing people came out of Africa as a single strain of modern homo sapiens. We all are descendants from this historic "Eve" mother who was transformed from archaic humans, sometime in the last 300,000 years.

    "Ultimately it all came back to molecular mutations. In the brain there must be a mutation for the ability to "catch on", to detect fellow creatures who have discovered something and imitate it as good." Among the population those groups made up of members who had "better" brains and "caught-on" faster reproduced at a higher rate creating a positive feedback loop generating ever-faster evolution. ( page 123 )

    Human evolution since the beginning of modern people has been by cultural advantages. All new technologies are tools of cultural evolution:

    Management Review

    The Intranet: Beyond E-Mail
    Jenny C. McCune

    ¥ Internet technology has created unlimited information access, and now companies are using its architecture to connect disparate islands of information.

    Contact American Management Associations http://www.amanet.org publisher of Management Review
    For copies of this excellent article;
    Jenny C. McCune is a business and technology writer based in Bozeman, Mont. She can be reached at jennym3798@aol.com.

    To order reprints, call 800-644-2464 or 717-560-2001 (ref. number 7383).
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    Developers Demonstrate Support at

    Watch the keynote by MCI WorldCom’s

    John Sidgmore.

    for Netscape ONE Platform

    A World Leading Development Environment for Internet and Intranet Applications Showcased in More Than 100 Partner Products LAS VEGAS, Nov. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Netscape Communications Corporation Nasdaq: NSCP) today announced that more than 100 companies supporting the Netscape ONE open network environment will showcase their products at

    both in Netscape's partner pavilion and throughout the show floor. Those featured in the partner pavilion (booth #H422, adjacent to the Netscape main pavilion at the Las Vegas Hilton) include ACI US, Inc., Bitstream, DigitalStyle, Elektroson, IBM, Mercury Mail, Mobileware, Net-It Software Corp., Net-Scene, OpenConnect, Systems, Paralogic Corp., Progress Software Corp., Simware, UWI Unisoft Wares Inc. and Verity, Inc. Across the Internet and Intranet development landscape, Netscape enabling technologies continue to fuel phenomenal market growth. Some of the most prominent companies in the information technology arena lead the community of Netscape ONE supporters.

    For example, AT&T, Compaq Computer Corp., Digital Equipment Corp., Hewlett-Packard Co., IBM, Informix, Intel Corp., Open Connect, Silicon Graphics, Inc., Sun Microsystems and Unify are among the organizations who co-sponsored the Netscape Internet Developers Conference last month in New York. In addition, Netscape recently announced strategic relationships with Oracle Corp., Lotus Development Corp. and Autodesk, Inc. "

    The emergence of the Internet and corporate Intranets is fundamentally changing the way our customers work and the way we address their needs," said Carol Bartz, chairman and CEO at Autodesk. "We embrace the Netscape ONE Platform to leverage our development efforts. This allows us to bring powerful design products geographic information systems to customers using the Internet and Intranets as a collaborative environment."

    Netscape is working continually to improve the level of service it provides to its development partners. During the last year, the company has moved aggressively to empower its developers with a more comprehensive set of tools, technologies, information and support through the Netscape ONE Platform, the DevEdge Online Community and Netscape DevEdge programs. "We are profiting significantly from Netscape's efforts to work with developers on both a technical and marketing level," said Jim Hamerly, president and CEO of DigitalStyle.

    "Netscape is committed to providing industry-leading Intranet solutions. Netscape fully realizes the importance of third parties in achieving success and continues to invest heavily to support the development community." "Netscape is working hard to give developers a compelling a business proposition, a smooth technology adoption path and the freedom to make choices that advance their position in the market," said Danny Shader, vice president of industry and developer relations at Netscape. "Netscape's strong position in the client and server software market, along with its role at the forefront of next-generation communication and collaboration, helps developers gain a competitive edge. Because Netscape ONE is based on open industry standards, our developers enjoy the benefit of choice as they build interoperable Internet and Intranet applications." In addition to providing development resources, Netscape is committed to fostering relationships across its developer base.

    The spirit of community among Netscape developers was reinforced at last month's Netscape Internet Developers Conference, where the company shared its technology roadmap with more than 3,000 attendees from 44 states and 36 countries. At the conference, Netscape also introduced the Netscape ONE Experts program -- an opportunity for developers worldwide to earn credentials that signify proficiency in building Netscape-compliant Internet and Intranet applications. Already, more than 2,000 developers have taken the first step toward Netscape ONE Expert qualification by requesting CBT System's CD-ROM-based training in JavaScript

    -- Netscape's open, freely licensable Java-based scripting language for rapid application development. Netscape AppFoundry -- an online collection of cross-platform, reusable business applications featuring the Informix online workgroup database -- has distributed more than 20,000 copies of sample code and development tools at no cost to recipients.

    These applications enable corporate developers to build prototypes quickly for enterprise needs ranging from order and inventory tracking, to project management and sales trend analysis.

    These vendors include: Arbor Software, Aurum Software, Broadvision, Dun & Bradstreet, Software, Information Dimensions, Lawson Software, OneWave, Scopus and Simware. Netscape ONE open network environment is a standards-based platform that enables developers to create a new generation of distributed client/server applications for Intranets and the Internet.

    Netscape ONE unifies into a single platform of current Internet standards such as HTTP, HTML, LDAP, JavaScript and a tool chest of open, cross-platform software and technologies for creating rich, distributed Web-based applications. Netscape Communications Corporation is a premier provider of open software for linking people and information over enterprise networks and the Internet.

    The company offers a full line of clients, servers, development tools and commercial applications to create a complete platform for next-generation, live online applications.

    Traded on Nasdaq under the symbol NSCP, Netscape Communications Corporation is based in Mountain View, California. Additional information on Netscape Communications Corporation is available on the Internet at http://home.netscape.com, by sending email to info@netscape.com, or by calling 415-937-2555 (corporate customers) or 415-937-3777 (individuals). NOTE: Netscape, Netscape Communications Corporation, Netscape Communications Corporation logo, Netscape DevEdge and Netscape ONE are trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation. All other product names are trademarks of their respective companies.

    CONTACT: Marie Gunter of Netscape, 415-937-2506, or marieg@netscape.com

    So you can do a lot of things from almost anywhere. EPCOT II is a set of franchise EPCOT II clubs offering work station cubicles to office suites with T3 satellite up links. Within their zone they are a quality Internet Service Provider ( ISP ) for work on the road or at home, so you live in some very nice places.

    Where do you want to be, alone on the California coast, in a planned community in Costa Rica,

    The Swiss or Colorado Mountains, New Zealand or Australia, the French Riviera, a Greek Village; the EPCOT work and pay master will help you do your work, form temporary synergy groups, go video conferences, high quality image processing, what ever.

    EPCOT II can produce content, hardware, software, server management, education and training, video, web pages, news, applications what ever. It's a company made of off site locations, with a temporary work group and employment agency, it's a server of home and remote work locations, it's a hotel, it's a cafe, it's a node and ISP, it's a planned physical place and network of hard wired connections between international high- tech communities of transponders, cables and phones. It is the Electric Prototype Community on-line Technology of today and tomorrow, the global village, the world according to Charles Handy.

    RE: Wanted: Instructors in IIOP; Internet Inter-ORB Protocol Up to $100,000 a year. See what IIOP is all about


    IT's HERE

    : the 10 Mb standard, NC's, Web-TV, DirecPC Internet, Intranets, extra-nets;

    A 10 Mb input in packages of 360 kb gives 28 frames a second of full color digital video, downloads software with applications, so turnkey systems and remote servers can replace PC's, most software on hard drives, most applications on site: plus the network is the inter-office telephone, fax, e-mail, calendar, on- line conferences, et al.

    The external server could replace many main frame data storing and sharing functions.

    So you are a CEO, you can replace expensive PC's, software licenses, on-site computer staff, webmasters, network operators, internal and long distance phones, fax, many copy machines and printers, with a network that interconnects your company at all sites, extra-connects to suppliers and services, such as travel, legal, advertising, et al, and runs your office suite applications with Java scripts internal to the applications themselves.

    The desk top units cost a few hundred dollars and the "Server Company", ATT, MCI, Sprint, MS, Netscape, or dozens of others provide almost everything else.

    For the person at the work station little has changed.

    The C:\ drive is now on the server in the sky but downloads at about the same speed it does now. BUT you can do more, cheaper, more efficiently, and do things you could nor do before such as:

    Video conference on every machine, High speed Internet on every machine, real audio and VDO, rapid comparative shopping for Air Tickets, hotels, vacations, cars, equipment, office supplies, web services, graphic artists, lawyers, accountants, stock brokers, psychologist, management consultants, payroll, part time and temporary help, original equipment providers, export and import connections, loans and mortgages, credit card processing, advertising, direct mail, schools, technical support, news, entertainment, you name it ! the whole of the living YELLOW PAGES. Since the Web-TV DirecPC will have millions of consumers the business applications will be enriched with Movie Reviews, Talk Shows, Music and PBS.

    Dishes, New high quality Cell phones, Cable, optic-fiber, plus low orbiting satellites and transponders connect world wide ground stations and the broadband Internet. Where does this leave Microsoft, surely one of the server providers along with Netscape, maybe Oracle, Corel, IBM all contribute elements of a turnkey service rather than millions of copies of software on millions of PC's.

    The operating system is only on the server, the NC (Network computer) is only a smart terminal. Web-TV DirecPC is a consumer model of the NC. This is happening and in 1997 will happen in many more countries, Australia, Bexlux, Sweden, Singapore, Japan etc and parts of the USA.

    NOW given this is happening, how does the 19'th Century Factory Model that dominates public schools, colleges and Universities relate ? What is Java they ask ! How does such a important technical change effect our *18'th Century geographically and territorial system of government ? How does it effect all the millions of "middle people" now providing services such as Banking, Accounting, Architecture, engineering, printing, wholesale and distribution, et al. I.E. most of us...

    The media is the message - the message is Global and Fast, and smart, and changes.

    Synergy Schools is a model of the new system and paradigm. Learning a doing on-line.

    Go to directory, categories, education, page 5, synergy: Since we will maybe here only a month or so, I would really like it if you would use the ForumForum. Go in and set up conference, documents, newspaper, mess around. We will only learn by doing. You can find out what this conference program has to offer and we can see how people can use it.

    GOTO and sign in for excite pal ! Will be a board, chat and a newsletter and e-mail exchange to replace synergy newsletter - Floor 503 &


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    SYNERGY-NET on http://www.wyith.com/sponsors"

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    RE: Synergy, Clients, Servers, highways and byways;

    Big companies have fat Intranets, extra-nets and Internet lines, with light NC (network computers). Heavy duty servers are providing almost everything in data transfer and processing. Instead of 1000's of PC's with Office Packages the central processor can contain Java type modules called up as they are needed. An open architecture makes it easy to Lotus Notes, Plug and Play graphics, video, voice mail and 1000's of other applications. Much of the set up work can be done off site, by contractors and agents. This is NETSCAPE'S design. Servers work on many platforms with open plug and play features for clients.

    The browser is just a central actor in the plug and play game.

    Software and Communications companies integrate networks within and between servers.

    They can also provide the servers. Ross Parot, EDS, found a lot of companies and contractors for the huge public sector didn't want to buy hardware and have all the installation and up date head-aches but wanted plug and play complete turn key systems. Public access servers can provide most of what small, and middle size business need. As many accountants, lawyers, travel agents, banks, brokers, office supplies and services, schools, libraries, and the 25 % of the yellow page economy, services which can be done remotely will be done remotely ( excludes therapeutic massage, and most medical hands on stuff such as setting bones but not all diagnosis and prescription ) that can be provided at a distance will be provided but they do not replace hands on local contacts.

    Peter Drucker pointed out that in Europe the new did not replace the old but exists side by side. He guessed that 25 % of freight still goes on barges and canals built in the 18'th century, most freight traffic moves on railroads built in the 19'th with 20'th century bullet trains, and still room for 20'th century trucks, and air-freight. One transport system does not completely replace another but each one has a different place in market.

    Telephones, cables, satellites, cellar transponders, all will continue to have a place on the Internet. Servers are getting fatter and fatter while terminals may get thinner and thinner. Big servers connected to bigger servers, thinner PC connected to fatter servers but some PC will not have connections but stand alone, others will only be smart terminals.

    Microsoft's packages are not very open, in fact, MS have behaved much like IBM in using their OS (operating system) as a tool to control applications. Word is not better than Word Perfect but it had a strategic advantage in Office packages and with an install base by machine manufactures. You can't replace modules very easily if at all. You can't use one presentation with different graphic interface to different page makers and word processors. This unnatural restrictive system can not last for long. Go short on MS and long on Netscape, Oracle, Novell/Corel/WordPerfect IBM and the 1000's of plug and play providers.

    EPCOT II is a design for an open classroom/office where the really small business and individual can access the plug and play of the big guys. A communications company provides server space, Netscape and it's friends and relatives provide plug and play applications - ForumForum, cool talk, IRC, white board, phone mail, video, real audio, et all

    Go to directory, categories, education, page 5, synergy: Since we will maybe here only a month or so, I would really really like it if you would use the ForumForum. Go in and set up conference, documents, newspaper, mess around. We will only learn by doing. You can find out what this conference program has to offer and we can see how people can use it.

    GOTO and sign in for excite pal ! Will be a board, chat and a newsletter and e-mail exchange to replace synergy newsletter - Floor 503 &


    Site Map

    Copies of the SYNERGY JOURNAL sent by request: Pflaump@wiredbrain.com SYNERGY-NET on http://www.wiredbrain.com/ Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE 225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169-2176 (904) 428-7924 Pflaump@wiredbrain.com or join #synergybunch on IRC.

    World-Site is a learning system of survival and independence in the global system. How to

    cut the cord,

    and the bills from the phone line, from the power line, from the gas line, from the SUPERMARKET line, from the registration line, from the school line, from the tax line, from the office line, from the party line.

    The Internet as a provider of REAL information, on health, on diet, on money and banking, on earning a living, on learning to learn and do, for yourself, and within a real Internet community.


    EPCOT II: Electronic Prototype Community On-line Technology;

    RE: Go to ForumForum: directory, categories, education, page 5, synergy: then sign in

    Since we maybe on ForumForum for only a month or so, I would really appreciate it if you would use the ForumForum. Go in and set up a conference, documents, newspaper, mess around. We will only learn by doing. You can find out what this conference program has to offer and we can see how people can use it. Administration user "synergy" password "password" SYNERGY-NET on http://www.wiredbrain.com/ /webTutor.htm is a set up for on-line help for web editors and artists /Tutor.htm for ESOL English as a Foreign Language.

    The idea is that people with services, such as tutors, consultants, writers, editors, artist; can be on a web page giving information about themselves, fees, and office hours, then using IRC (Netmeeting) User Location Service they can be interviewed.

    The anyone with a need can connect directly to the person available at that time or write for an appointment.

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